login loop


I’m trying to login to, but i can only see the credentials’ fields and under that section is the logo loading over and over again. Also, if I change the region the next message appear: "

The application encountered an unexpected problem.

I send that report and I installed, after uninstalling it and deleted all the cache. Still have the problem.

Hey CsK,

Can we try reinstalling the Blizzard app?

  1. Uninstall the Blizzard app

  2. Next press Windows Key + R and enter the following locations and delete any Battlenet and Blizzard folders in each location:
    • %APPDATA%
    • %TEMP%

  3. Finally go ahead and reinstall the app from here. Make sure you run as Admin.

Hey Zenlaka,

I did everything again. I think it’s the 4th or 5th time I’m doing this. The result is the same. I need to mention that when the agent update run at the beginning of the installation, it continues from the middle. The blue bar of the agent update is half full…I don’t know if this means it still has some caches anywhere in the system.