Im currently playing Diablo Immortal, it crashes periodically, especially after olaying continuous for a few hours on end. When it crashes it simply momentarily freezes then exits program. I eother restart and co tinue playong wothout issue or take it as a aign that ive proba ly okayed my share and give it a rest. I had one of those occurran es this morning.
Where it booted me and exited the app. I chose not to restart until just 10 monutes ago. When i got to the “start ge” screen where it ahows guest or your battlenet profile it showed guest, so i clicked it => took mw to the sign in then rebooted the automatically back into immortal. Again after intial load and same update , or so it seemed to , brought me back to the “start game” but still said guest. Performed this cycle 3 or 4 times total - and it wouldnt load my profile into the game. I then went and opened my BattleNet app- Mt profile is logged in, it shows my profile perfectly fine, so clicked Diablo Immortal tab then “PLAY” i started the game again to NO AVAIL- On start game screen guest was listed in top left & automatically opened the battlenet login where the while cycle continued.
So i decided to go to the play store and update Diablo Immortal- but the same issue. Battlenet shows me logged in fine. It veggies my account and login and send me back to the game but it doesn’t load my account for some reason.
Mobile game Diablo Immortal