Battlenet download speed sucks

Anyone has this issue resolved?

I tried bandwidth limit, reset ip, flush dns, WMI repo reset but none worked. I’ve seen a lot of post and this is way back last year. Can’t they fix it? If so why not give direct download instead

Yep, same problem here.

The only solution is buy on Steam, because Steam has normal servers with direct download, not P2P bittorrent download like


i have the same issue. what worked for me was to logout of battle net and change the region you log into. i’m usa i changed to Europe and my dl speeds went from 75kbs to 20-25mbs.

I have tried this did not work for me

yep, seems like really is not the best choice for gaming, its frustratig tha everytime you eant to just sit and play there is another 94 GB update that takes hours to download. Just WOW. managed to make gaming horribly painful. SMH

Running speed test and getting 935 down and 945 up, battlenet… 2.35MB, this is brutal and very annoying. Changing region only got it out of the 300-700kbps range, Also had a very strange issue when reinstalling where I needed to use hotspot to get past a certain point. I am about done with whatever they broke a couple of months ago…

I’ve got the same exact issue, even with epic games. I’m sick of everything.

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