Battle.Net can't find game issue (URGENT!)

Yesterday, I logged into Battle.Net, as I always do, but instead of the “Play” button for World of Warcraft (retail), there is an “Install” button. I tried “locating” the WoW installation folder but when I point it to the install folder, it either replies that the game is not there and to install it, or that it is the wrong version and to check with Technical Support. I have done everything in the links provided (Error BLZBNTAGT00000AF0), short of reinstalling the game, and no success.

What is going on? I have tried various other ‘fixes’ to no avail. Why must I reinstall the game when it works just fine when I go to the install directory and run WoW from there - no issues, no problems? If it weren’t for the fact that I do not know how I would update the game without the Battle.Net app, I would just ignore this, but with TWW starting in about one week to two weeks, and the 16 year history of glitches and tweaks to the game whenever a new Expansion starts weighing heavily on my mind, I am losing it right now…

Oh, and for the record,

  1. Battle.Net finds the Hearthstone game with no problem.

  2. I am running Windows 11 Pro.

  3. All my hardware checks out fine as does my OS base.

  4. When I do the proper “location” task - the response after selecting the folder
    above the World of Warcraft folder is a pop-up box saying:

    "This folder doesn’t contain the correct version of this game. Please check the
    installation path and try again.

    More help: BLZBNTAGT00000AF0"
    (with a link to the online page for this error)

  5. Searched for the folder using the Battle.Net app AND Windows Explorer, and
    selected the install folder manually… Issue persists!

  6. Uninstalled and re-installed Battle.Net app… Issue persists!

  7. Moved my WTF folder OUT of the install folder and restarted the
    Battle.Net app… Issue persists!

Based on the online documentation, all I have left is to re-install the game - but again WHY would that work when the problem isn’t the game? As I indicated, I can run the game manually from the install folder with no issues or problems… So, how does THAT solve the problem? I am just SO FRUSTRATED right now!!!

WHY BLIZZ? WHY must you put out software that is either bugged or poorly tested?

Of course, it would be a good thing if a Blizzard Technical person could respond… I love the community and all, and many times they have found solutions when the Blizzard Technical staff have remained SILENT, but this, I fear, is something in the code - something kludgey, buggy, whatever… As a developer, I have seen this type of bad coding many times in my career…

Please someone help me! Please Blizz Tech support, don’t IGNORE me like you have all the other people experiencing this issue for the last year or so (I have seen the UNANSWERED pleas in the Tech forum regarding this issue!)!!! You have to know that reinstalling the game takes several hours at least, not to mention all the updates and the fussing over add-ions and what-not. I pay good money every month for an issue -free retail game, and this is not meeting that expectation.

Hoping for a response and some real help…

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I have the same problem day 5, the characters are blocked by the game, the game works, and the recovery check does not work, I tried everything like you, technical support writes with bot responses to links

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