Application opens with blank screen

I have same issue, after the latest update (the app interface changed), it will not launch correctly. Each time I open it, it gives me a transparent window, after I click the icon on the task bar, the window minimized and once restored, it becomes totally black.
Now almost each time I open the Bnet app I have to uninstall then reinstall it. Then it will work.


Mine does the same thing. Now constantly asking me to log in then it wont log in. The app has been giving me isdues with the last updates

If you are seeing a blank screen, something on the system is blocking the Bnet client from fully loading. Usually this is security software or a multitude of “blocker” browser addons.

Try changing browsers, or download a new one and set it as default.

Hey there,

If the application is opening with a blank screen and forgetting the password, it may be due to bad data, permissions, or an interfering program. If you find the above info doesn’t help, we would want to see if nuking the Application helps. The steps that follow are more thorough than a basic uninstall and covers every location that temporary files may be stored to ensure a fresh install is done for the app.

  1. Uninstall the application
  2. Press Windows key + R and type in %temp%
  3. Delete anything related to Blizzard or
  4. Do the same for %programdata%, %localappdata%, %appdata%
  5. Reinstall the application. A fresh installer should be downloaded for this

If that doesn’t help, then we’d want to see if creating and switching to a new Administrator Account helps. This sets many settings to defaults and also helps with permission problems, so can be useful to do even if you’re using an admin account already.

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I have done everything, and it will not load properly. The problem just started today.

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I like turtles and whiskey. Do you know the muffin man?

You Should check the graphics driver, and update if they are outdated.

I seemed to have had the same problem as you describe it. Nothing worked for me at first too but the solution from Ironthrone worked for me at the end. Try really doing all the steps he mentions and delete everything related to Blizzard or on your PC and reinstall the app with a new installer.

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