App stops at 5% (Win11)


I have a fresh installed Win11 Laptop and tried to install the App. It stops at 5%, then it have a little CPU activity, no networt activity for hours.
I tried to stop the Anti Virus software and the Firewall and deleted all folders from the recent installation tries and also tried to do the net stop winmgmt…
Nothing works.
Can someone provide a working versin of the app? Or a hint how this will work?
As far as I saw the threads here about these issues I think there is a big issue in the software architecture…

A Network Sniffer tells me: The connection to ‘us patch battle net’ failed.
Error: TimedOut (0x274c).

Best regards

I have the same problem but stops at 45%

Try this:

I spent hours pulling my hairs out because the BNET app would not download WoW Retail, when it did start the process, it kept resetting to 0 /bs and not download anything, literally stuck in a loop from hell, until I found this solution that fixed all this:

  • Stuck on initializing
  • Unable to install game because process would just freeze and not start installation
  • Spinning BNET symbol and nothing happening
  • Game download at 0 /bs and attempting to start and nothing
  • Game download slow (A fraction of what it should be)

Try this, fixed my BNET problems:

The only thing I have gotten to work is to use Command Prompt to stop winmgmt and reset repository then restart winmgmt.

Run Command Prompt as Administrator (Press start, type CMD, right click on the result and choose Run as Administrator) then:

type: net stop winmgmt [ENTER]

type: winmgmt /resetrepository [ENTER]

type: net start winmgmt [ENTER]

Exit Command Prompt

You should be able to download your games now at the maximum speed possible without any hiccups.

I already tried that. But that didn’t work for me.