App | Not loading contacts or chats

Hi! I love using the app for keeping in touch with my fellow gamers. However lately this feature has become unusable.

Lately the app tries to load my contacts and open chats and never finishes loading. I’ve tried closing and restarting the app, turning off the phone completely, uninstalling and reinstalling the app and still the issue persists.

I’m running the app on an iPhone 11 on iOS 16

Please advise


I have the same phone and problems. Plus my hasn’t updated status in 5 days.


I’m having the exact same problem for around 4 weeks now. I need a solution because I can’t use the battle net app for nothing…

I’m on an iPhone 13 and it started the same thing yesterday for me. I get notifications of people sending messages from in DI and can see that but in the app it never loads. I am even answer if I click the notification but can’t see what I’ve typed

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I’m having the same issue for about the past week or so. I’ve made sure my phone and apps are all up to date, uninstalled and reinstalled the app twice and been on numerous different networks and still having the issue

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It’s not working for me either it’s been 4 days. Everything is up to date though … Soo idk I give up. Nothing helps

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Same!! App is stuck “loading” for a week now.

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I have the same phone and problem as well. I’ve reinstalled the app and restarted my phone and I’m still unable to see my friends list or chat. :frowning:

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Same here! Please fix!

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Same as all these folks. This is the only post I can find so far. It’s been going on for so many days now and I have tried all the same normal things they have. Help?

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I am having the same exact issue. I have updated my phone, uninstalled and reinstalled and nothing works.

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So this has been an ongoing issue for a month with no fix? Terrific! Mine does the exact same thing and it’s somehow related to my account. My cousin logged in on my phone and his account worked seamlessly. Could see all his friends and talk to whoever he wanted. I logged back in and had the same problem I’ve been having, nothing loads. Just constantly says it’s loading. Cannot load friends list or any chats. Literally the entire purpose of this app, not functional.

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I been having the same problem for weeks, and i see others have too, wonder when its going to be fixed

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4 posts were merged into an existing topic: App Not Connecting to Friends/Chat on Android