Battle Net is working or not?

So i have the same problem like everyone but it looks more interesting… So my BNET IS LOGGING IN, it even works i mean shop, chat, but no MAIN PAGE and NEWS are not loading “Whoops. Seems to be broken” reloading doesn’t help at all… Just renewed my Subscription and can’t play at all, what i mean? I mean WoW can’t start and if it starts it’s in login screen endlessly then i have “Disconnected WOW519000328” same thing for Hearthstone, like i play 1-2 games then it crashes down to main menu with Warning that i lost connection, everything in my ISP works fine! Any clues or just wait for Blizz?

EDIT: I can’t even play 1 game in Hearthstone now, only offline modes like mercenaries


Had the same problem, don’t try to reinstall cause it will get only worse. Now I can’t even install it again, download just freezes. Tried every possible fix I could find and it still wont work. I guess we just wait for blizz to fix it, I don’t see any other way.


If you are stuck in reinstalling, i did the same but Ran it as administrator, and just waited, after like 5 minutes the setup started and i reinstalled Battle Net, but yes, it didn’t help me in any way so just waiting and losing my days of fresh subscription xd

Hi i just have same problem with reinstaling bnet…
i look to logs and see
"Failed to connect to battle net address

Maybe any action from battlenet ?

dzien dobry mam problem z nie moge go pobrac ponownie cały czas sie zatrzymuje sie na 45% ktos wie ile mam czekac na naprawe tego ?

I have the same issue as you, yesterday i ran app and it was working but news etc weren’t loading and there was “Whoops. we cannot connect blabla, something like that”. Unfortunately i deleted bnet and tried to reinstall it, and guess what :smiley: , got stuck at 45%, tried to play WoW and either i had “Logging into game server” and after 20-30 secs it disconnects me, or if i somehow got to the character screen and tried to enter world, loading screen was stuck for around 1 min at 90% and i had error message “World server is down”. Tried a lot of tips from internet but nothing is helping so i guess i have to wait until Blizzard will do something from their side. Im just glad, that im not alone with this issue as i thought its something wrong with my PC or internet.

Did you use a VPN to see if it’s an ISP routing issue?

I was playing for 3 or so hours and dropped connection. noticed my battlenet app wouldnt load. when i tried to reconnect it wouldnt let me in says the issue is at logging into game server. i can change my log in to classic era and get on to the era realms, and i can log into the anniversary pvp server. however i cannot log in to dreamscythe at all. i did get through for about 10 seconds after 20 trys but i got kicked immediately

Same, the news screen of Battlenet is showing “Oops! Something went wrong. We had trouble loading your content”. In the last 5 min, the news came up, I was able to log into Wow, but got kicked out to another Oops notification. If you are in Wow, don’t log out. Hopefully, Blizzard is monitoring these comments and we will soon be able to log in. I demand reparations!

If you have Cox cable, they said they expect a fix in several hours (according to their updates on Twitter etc).

Same problem like my previous, any information about fix status ?

If you are referring to Cox Cable, you would need to ask that company when they plan to complete repairs. That information would not be passed to volunteers in this forum, nor Blizzard’s staff via ticket. It would only come from the ISP itself.

No i have problem with connection, and after with delete aps with actualisation.
I must download VPN to start do something. That sound ridiculous. Without VPN my download/actualisation status are stuck on 45%

If a VPN fixes the connection, then you need to speak with your ISP about the problem. All a VPN does is choose a new route for you. Your ISP has a broken route to Blizzard, so only they can repair it or comment on the status.

Yes i used a VPN and it somehow pushes through my Battlenet installation, but the news on bnet arent loading anyways and WoW isnt working as previously

If your ISP is Tele2, please see:

It’s not a mystery, I explained this in my reply above:

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but all evicende points towards bad routing within TELE2’s networking protocols, Ive had this problem for well over a month now and it dosent seem like TELE2 are too concerned about it or that they will get it fixed any time soon. Best thing would be if Blizzard could raise some concerns to them, but I doubt that will ever happen

I agree that it’s unlikely because Blizzard isn’t the ISP’s customer, so the ISP doesn’t owe them time or troubleshooting. But if you are the ISP’s customer, you should definitely call them and voice the concerns.

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