Error code BLZBNTBGS000003F8 connection from blizzard server’s lost. in the app, it says “connecting” but it doesn’t actually log me in. this is keeping me from playing call of duty mw2, since I get disconnected after a bit of starting any match and that error code is shown. internet connection is great and i’m playing from pc. any solutions?
Literally just happened to me… Following
same, also cant login as well,
just happened to me …disconnected from the server then wont let me back in for 45min…BS
Happened to me as well, keep log in but not actually in
I think it might be a ddos attack. 18 minute wait just to start blizzard battlenet account.
Same, and been this way for nearly 2 hours. If it’s a DDoS attack they need to post it on the twitter account at least. Considering how much I’ve spent with this company, you’d think that I’d at least be able to play some of them offline…butttttt no…
They just announced it a few minutes ago.
yeap, bliz is reporting a DDoS attack.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the ddos attackers. I work for a living and my time is limited for gamming. uumm, so a well timed ddos attack on the bliz servers on a Sunday evening is just awesome. This way I don’t have to worry about playing CoD, I can in fact, sit here and tell you to F*** off, you think your hurting bliz, you are the one that is interrupting my game time, not impressed by your attack at all. Hope your computer catches a virus.
Connection Troubleshooting
Reset your network devices to make sure your router hasn’t become flooded with data.
If you’re using a wireless connection, optimize your internet connection to rule out a connection issue.
Update your drivers and operating system to resolve any compatibility issues.
Rachel Gomez
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