Awful, & Bloated

I reverted back to the original launcher. I will not run that new beta ever again even if it runs better. It’s bulky, crowded, and is screaming at me to buy things. Sometimes less is more, and that is just a big advertisement.

If you do end up taking away the original launcher, I will stop using your launchers all together, and just launch WoW from the game .exe, and manually log in each time.


If i could do that i would…


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I am tempted to continue to try to download the launcher in attempts it may give me the old one – but I really don’t want to inflate the download count on their new one that they can then use to brag about as a statistic later. It helps promote the inherit dogma that they are good at making decisions for us.

Correct. I still like the other launcher so much better.
Right now the launcher isnt beginner friendly or easy to look at.