- US102432701 * US102432741 * US102361083 * US102364455
Those are ticket numbers related to the same issue! After the last patch, when I went to log in, I didn’t get the APPROVE/DENY buttons in my app on the phone. I got that tab but not buttons. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app. Nothing. The game has been closed and my pc restarted. Nothing. The tab (which I have a screenshot of) shows the four-character code and asks, “Are you trying to log in from?” However, there is nothing at the bottom of the tab with the buttons. I have removed the authenticator, closed everything, logged in. Logged back out. Closed the game. Restarted my computer. Reinstalled the authenticator and it happens again.
I have had no issues with the log in process for the couple of months that this new authenticator system has been in place (other than the fact that when I get the buttons APPROVE/DENY, there is normally script telling me to push the button but it’s covering the buttons, so I have to click on the option to get the digital code). I want my authenticator back with the extra bag slots!