Auction House Get Request

Hello guys,

I’m asking for your help with an API request that i’m trying to make.

I would like to get all of the Hyjal’s Auction House offers.

So here is what I want to do :{my access token}&_page=1

So, this one ain’t work, but with an other Realms it works like this one :{my access token}&_page=1

If someone can help me with this, I would be greatfull to him.

Have a nice day !

Hyjal’s realm ID is 542 but its connected realm ID is 1390.

Use this:{my access token}

And it worked !

Thanks man, this helped a lot

Would love to see a &_page=1 parameter :slight_smile: Or any other kind to filter / shrink the huge request.

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Use gzip transfer encoding to shrink it by 90%… EU Hyjal up there went from 15.8MB to 1.7MB.