Auction API outdated lots

maybe it’s an attempt from them to provide more info? this could be very useful

if an auction is returned with quantity = 0 (allowing to filter actual and old auctions) and they most importantly provide a way to know if it’s sold, expired or cancelled, then we could start making many interesting things

That would be interesting, but that’s not the case with what I’ve observed. Quantity remains at 1 even for removed auctions.

{"auc":19662608,"item":11203,"ownerRealm":"Bleeding Hollow","bid":0,"buyout":4123456700,"quantity":1,"timeLeft":"VERY_LONG","rand":0,"seed":0,"context":0},
{"auc":19665017,"item":12720,"ownerRealm":"Bleeding Hollow","bid":0,"buyout":8765432100,"quantity":1,"timeLeft":"VERY_LONG","rand":0,"seed":0,"context":0},
{"auc":19690283,"item":12720,"ownerRealm":"Bleeding Hollow","bid":0,"buyout":8888880200,"quantity":1,"timeLeft":"VERY_LONG","rand":0,"seed":0,"context":0},
{"auc":19690489,"item":152543,"ownerRealm":"Bleeding Hollow","bid":0,"buyout":252500,"quantity":1,"timeLeft":"VERY_LONG","rand":0,"seed":0,"context":0},
{"auc":19713846,"item":12720,"ownerRealm":"Bleeding Hollow","bid":0,"buyout":8888880300,"quantity":1,"timeLeft":"VERY_LONG","rand":0,"seed":0,"context":0},
{"auc":19713955,"item":152543,"ownerRealm":"Bleeding Hollow","bid":0,"buyout":262600,"quantity":1,"timeLeft":"VERY_LONG","rand":0,"seed":0,"context":0},
{"auc":19716121,"item":12720,"ownerRealm":"Bleeding Hollow","bid":0,"buyout":8888880400,"quantity":1,"timeLeft":"VERY_LONG","rand":0,"seed":0,"context":0},

There are a few auctions (fewer than a dozen across all realms when I last checked) which have quantity 0, but that’s probably a quirk of the commodities auction quantity adjustments they’re doing. There are also missing IDs between the latest auctions, so some unavailable auctions are getting filtered out of the snapshots, I’m just not sure which ones yet.

Snapshots keep bloating because of outdated auctions, +30% daily. Some snapshots are over 50mb. Every day we need more time to download and more resources to parse!
Blizzard, say something. For example “we aware, but it need more than 2 weeks to fix this”.

Issue remains after weekly reset.

2:31pm: downloaded snapshot 1579633759 from 2:09pm. snapshot is accurate to in-game.
2:32pm: cancelled 12720 at 888888.04g
  posted item 12720 at 888888.10g
  cancelled 12720 at 888888.10g
  posted item 12720 at 888888.11g
  posted item 12834 at 888888.20g

3:21pm: downloaded snapshot 1579637299 from 3:08pm.
  19716121: item 12720 at 888888.04g remains despite being cancelled
  20140140: item 12720 at 888888.10g remains despite being cancelled immediately after posting
  20140302: item 12720 at 888888.11g found as expected
  20140466: item 12834 at 888888.20g found as expected

It looks like sometime Blizzard manually flush inactive auctions, but after that snapshots keep filling with invalid data.

Thanks for the reports!

We’re investigating two issues with the Auction House API:

  1. Some auctions are returning with "quantity":0.
  2. Some auctions are appearing when they shouldn’t be.
1 Like

I have found more confusing example.
Realm: Buring Legion
File: 1580022790000.json
There is just no way 5 Anchor Weeds for 5 silver would stay up on AH for more than few seconds and i can observe this auction being active for more than few hours:

		"auc": 941838473,
		"item": 152510,
		"ownerRealm": "Burning Legion",
		"bid": 0,
		"buyout": 500,
		"quantity": 5,
		"timeLeft": "VERY_LONG",
		"rand": 0,
		"seed": 0,
		"context": 0

I’ve noticed something similar on draenor with Anchor weed and other herbs and some ores for 100 copper.

Also the realm’s auction data is 64MB. This is 6 times what it used to be after the AH fix.

Come on, Blizzard. Snapshots already 4 time larger than it should be, that means that 75% of it data is invalid!

We’ve tracked down the issue and are working on a fix. Thanks for bearing with us.


We’ve deployed a patch to the Auction House API to hotfix the following issues:

(1) auctions appearing with 0 quantity
(2) auctions appearing that are not currently on the auction house

Because realms update on an interval, this will take time to cycle to all realms. If you see any issues, let us know!


Sold items still present in snapshots…

Same for zero quantity…

Sold items still present in snapshots… Same for zero quantity…

They can do literally nothing with this information. You should include the region, realm, timestamp, and auction IDs which show the issue.

Every item i buy remain in the next snapshot. Anyone could check it.

Here an example:
EU median price 50k, but it listed for 150g whole day.

I think the question here is: what is the intention for the “quantity” field in the auctions (of stackable items). Currently it seems to be the initial amount of items in the auction, and never changes. I would have expected that as parts of auctions sell (which is now possible since the 8.3.0 AH), that the quantity (and remaining buyout) fields would get lower over time (when comparing multiple scans that contain the same auction).

@Araspir: can you clarify what the intention is: what should be changing in consecutive scans for an auction that was partially sold? It would be fantastic if an auction partially selling would be actually visible in the AH dumps, since that is proof something was actually sold, and not a canceled auction. However, as mentioned, currently the “quantity” field of auctions never changes.

Can confirm for Burning Legion and Draenor EU that false Auction Weeds auctions have disappeared :slight_smile:

Sorry to refresh this thread, but I am still observing sold auctions appearing in the data from the API.

The following auction (Aqir Hivespawn pet) appeared in the Blackhand server data dump from apx 7:33 CST:


As soon as I noticed I logged in on Blackhand and bought it, likely around 7:34-7:35 CST. Confirmed also that this was the only Aqir Hivespawn pet listed on Blackhand at this point in time.

The next Blackhand data dump at apx 8:34 CST still included the same auction.


(Yes, I realize copy/paste is redundant/pointless here, but doing it anyway since I know in my head the strings came from different files :p)

In particular the “auc” field is the same, which I presume represents a unique ID for each auction, which would indicate that these lines are, in fact, the same auction.

The next Blackhand data dump at apx 9:35 CST did not include this auction.

Unless the API data isn’t meant to be real time (it did seem to be real time pre-8.3, though obviously I am not privy to Blizzard’s intended behavior on this), it seems there are still some situations where sold auctions are appearing in a subsequent data dump at least for some amount of time after they no longer exist.

Thanks for your time!

non-existent lots are still displayed on Russian realms, not as long as before, but still, sold lots should not be displayed in the dump after an hour or two as now

Does anyone know how to identify sold auctions vs. cancelled for instance?