Amalgam of Rage and Meat Wagon availability differences

After new expansion for D4 got announced all the extra stuff coming from D4 such as mount for WoW, murloc for D3 etc. were removed and we no longer can get them. At the same time Meat Wagon from WC3 Reforged as a part of Spoils Edition, now also Battlechest is still available. What was the point of doing it? Making one mount being removed, but at the same time keeping other. Why those things for D4 can’t be available just like Meat Wagon for WC. Now some people have to risk buying those old keys or even XBOX versions of D4 just to get something that could easily be part of the current game after purchase or at least by making it available from the store.

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Hey Borysiak,

The items you mentioned for D4 were pre-purchase rewards. Once D4 was released, they naturally became unavailable.

WC3R didnt have any pre-purchase rewards. The Spoils of War items are essentially just digital deluxe items.

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Hey Leviathan,

No they were not a pre-purchase rewards and I had it confirmed by GM few months ago.

After a thorough review of your case. we can inform you that this was a limited time offer until Diablo IV got its first expansion with new exclusive offers as well, however you can’t get it now by purchasing Vessel of Hatred.

This is why I’m wondering why they did not decide to keep it available till this day. I think it would be better to still be able to obtain it, since as you can see it was never a pre-order thing.

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I was able to talk to Support. Unfortunately, the GM from your ticket made a mistake (human error).

Those D4 items were pre-purchase rewards only. They would have become unavailable around the time the game went live.

Here’s an article that was published around that time.

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That article was published before launch so it’s inaccurate. You can look up in the wowhead comments about Amalgam of Rage and people are saying that they received all the digital goodies even after D4 launched, some are even from few months ago. Some of them now are buying those old keys from before expansion and still are getting everything from it. So whatever support told you was wrong, but not what they told me and it makes sense. People are still able to obtain it by just buying old keys from third party sites.

Correct. Often times Bliz allows the pre-order rewards to go a little past the release date to give some latecomers a chance to participate.

Correct. The keys that people are buying are from pre-purchase orders before the game was released, so they are still considered pre-purchase after the fact.

I’m sorry, but what I said is correct. Those were pre-purchase rewards, which are different than post-release ‘digital deluxe’ style rewards.

If it was available after launch then it cannot be considered as pre-order only.
I remember myself seeing those available before expansion was announced and regret not buying it. If somebody bought key in April this year then it’s not a pre-order version of the game. Those items from deluxe and ultimate editions are exact the same from pre-order.

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They are made available after release for a very short time, but they are still considered prepurchase rewards.

Unfortunately, regardless of timing or naming, they are not officially available anymore.

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I wouldn’t consider almost whole year very short period of time. True, sadly not available anymore and that was the whole point of that post, to let them know to bring it back if they like bringing old stuff back.

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Why are you arguing with customers over something that costs the company $0 to provide and in fact loses them money by not providing it? People, like me, were going to purchase D4 just for the mount, but I will not do so now. Meat Wagon from D3 was pre-order bonus as well, but has been continuously available. Just pass it on to higher ups and stop defending the stupid decision.

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I myself bought WC 3 for Meat Wagon and I regret that since I paid full price for product that didn’t work as it should, but at least was happy for having a mount that will later be gone. Then that mount became part of the Spoils Edition forever and it’s been on discount many times. Blizz could easily keep all them goodies available and have people buy the game just for that. It’s their stupid decisions again.

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It wasn’t a whole year. It’s a few days. Keys purchased in that pre-purchase time period but used years later will still honor the original purchase date. Anything else is misunderstanding on the seller’s or the buyer’s part. That’s all there is to it.

That’s unlikely due to them being a special reward for pre-purchasing.

It’s not a matter of easy. It’s a matter of intent. It’s a matter of exclusive pre-purchase rewards.

I’m not arguing, greyadept. I’ve only explained the situation.

As for defending, at no point have I “defended” anything. That would require an opinion, or a judgement such as agreeing with the decision, or claiming it’s good the way it is, etc. I haven’t done anything of the sort. Please refrain from throwing out irrelevant, cliche accusations simply because you don’t like the situation.

Because of what I said above. They are rewards for pre purchasing. Releasing them to anyone after the fact devalues that exclusivity.

As was already explained, the Meat Wagon was not a pre-purchase reward. So it’s not comparable to anything in D4’s pre-purchase rewards

You’re wrong you could still get everything if you bought game before VoH. So, it was not a few days, literally almost whole year. So, if I would buy D4 from bnet before VoH announcement then it wouldn’t be a pre-purchase. I will send you a link to an article from Janury about that, so you could see that all those items were part of deluxe and ultimate edition.

Ehhh… don’t bring “exclusivity” argument. If that really matters then how about putting tcg stuff into twitch drop or trader’s post and bnet store, where’s that “exclusivity” that you’re talking about? If Blizz would really care about exclusive things then they wouldn’t do things they did and continously are doing. So you’re argument in that case is seriously invalid. I can name you many things that supposed to be available for certain period of time and they made them available again.

Thanks for the article.

I mentioned it to Bliz and someone checked a bit deeper. Here’s what I’m learning now:

As far as the Amalgam mount goes, you’re correct. It was part of the higher editions of D4. It only appeared to be pre-purchase due to how it was initially advertised in Dec of 22.

With that new info in mind, back to your initial question about the Amalgam and Meat Wagon availability difference:

  • WC3R hasn’t had another large content update/expac/etc since Reforged, so the extras (including the Meat Wagon) are still the same as they were when Reforged first came out. (Same “package”)

  • However, D4 had a set of extras (including the Amalgam) specific to the original game. But once the expac was coming out, the original extras were dropped for a new set of extras specific to VoH. (Old “package”, new “package”)

So in short, those original D4 extras were part of a different package(s) than the currently available package(s).
WC3R is still the same original package.

As for making the old extras available separately in the shop, that’s not very common, but not unheard of. Iirc, they did it with a couple of the older WoW expacs. However it was long after they had been removed, as in, several expacs later.

If that’s how it was with Meat Wagon, then yes it’s different from D4. However, they sadly didn’t announce that digital items will be gone after VoH announcement, but they could. Like I mentioned before, they tend to bring old mounts, pets or toys back. It’s not something that happens rarely, but actually quite often. It wouldn’t be a problem for them to put D4 deluxe digital items in the store in one package or separately just like they do with WoW.

To chime in on this, I also wanted the Amalgam of Rage mount but wasn’t in a rush to buy Diablo 4 last year. Around this time last year we had the sale mentioned in a wowhead article.


Unfortunately I did not take advantage of it at the time believing that, like the meat wagon, it wasn’t going away. I have no interest in Diablo 4 tbh, I just wanted the mount. Not being able to get it now is disappointing. But I guess I saved myself £40, which seemed excessive at the time (looking at you new long-boi!).

Hopefully someone at Blizz will look to monetize the mount in the future much like they did with the BC Classic “exclusive mount”, Viridian Phase-Hunter!! Until then I guess we can just assume Blizz decisions on which items to make rarer than others makes zero sense.

Hey Borysiak,

Just in case you’re by this way in the near future, there’s a sale that includes the Amalgam of Rage. Scroll down to the D4/WoW combo offer. It sounds like if you already own both you will get it (and the other rewards as well).

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Hey Leviathan,

I saw it already. That’s nice that the mount is back. It got me wondering if maybe somebody from Blizz lurked here since it’s been only a month when I created this topic and Amalgam of Rage is available again.