All characters missing and unable to find them!

After reviewing the “Your topic is similar to…” questions. I find that there was no response from the legacy technical support team (DEV). Some where posted back as far as October of 2023! No one has been resolved? So, if there was some kind of “update” or server issues. Isn’t there a backup of that server. From my experience in technical support and working with servers/routers. Can I at least get an answer from someone other than a dead end response. As on one other issue I have stated about unable to install Cataclysm Expansion Set. Technical Support doesn’t support “legacy” games. But, if I have been playing legacy games for a number of years. Why would all of my characters just not appear? I would like to have a “positive” response that someone has corrected this issue. Other people seem to be suffering in the same respect! Prior: Ticket Number: US97708052

Hey Trygon2012,

This forum is for Warcraft 1 & 2, Diablo 1 & 2 (original) and the old arcade games.

Sounds like you want the World of Warcraft forums.

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