Add a trigger system. So we are not forced to play boring BNE maps. Once there is nothing but gow games the actual game is dead. Hurry while we got players…
Even if we cant do this… to be able to host custom maps would be huge if we can fix that please. Thankyou
There’s a triggers editor already, besides being not showcased anywhere and people dont give attention to.
But this triggers editor only exists for War2 classic, Combat Edition. Search for Combat Edition if you haven’t just yet.
And for triggers editor, check on Youtube - Ed gorod Triggers editor. It allows to bring custom triggers for Custom maps in their Russian server - Multiplayer.
There’s another way to set custom triggers for custom maps / single player but it needs to use code and its more advanced, yet possible, by Code. Also available thanks to the same guy, Ed gorod.
There’s another guy called dannyldd who makes mods since 5 years with all these new features for modding war2, so you can check his streams if ever want this feature for your maps