Add Enhanced flag to Soulbinds/Conduits

The Soulbinds endpoint should indicate which conduits are enhanced/empowered.

Here is the current output for a character that has this slot enhanced (Night Fae, Dreamweaver, renown 62)

                           "name":"Endurance Conduit Slot"
                              "name":"Marksman's Advantage",

Adding a flag alongside tier would provide enough information for clients to properly display/handle this:

                           "name":"Endurance Conduit Slot"
                              "name":"Marksman's Advantage",
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Here is another example of someone who has an empowered conduit unlocked.

While this might make things easier, you already have enough information in the Soulbinds endpoint to determine which conduits are enhanced: the selected soulbind and the renown level.