Account Stolen and Banned

I’ve used the same account for anything blizzard for years. Earlier this morning, while getting ready for the TBC launch, I got a message to verify something on my account or I would get suspended. Tired after preparing and not thinking, I followed a fake link and had my account stolen and now it has been banned. My phone number and email was removed and changed, and an Authenticator was added to my stolen account. I did not have Authenticator on before it was stolen, which was stupid of me, but I’ve now lost countless hours of grinding and everything I’ve worked for over the years.

I have put in 2 tickets. 1 without an account, but I didn’t get a confirmation email, so I made this new account, with a new email, to send a 2nd ticket to be able to track the progress of of it. I have sent my tickets in with my gov ID, phone number, email and updated the 2nd ticket with images of the emails of my account being changed, failed purchases from the thief (character transfers), and that the account has been banned as far as I can see. (I’m not sure if the account was banned because of the 1st ticket or because the thief tried and failed a couple purchases)

I have received 1 message, to the email that was connected to my stolen account, that “Blizzard has reopened my account after reviewing the restoration request and reset my password and secret questions” but when I follow the link to “review and resolve my ticket”, it shows that the account is banned. What else can I do? Do I wait for my second ticket to be replied to? Do I open another ticket about being unbanned so I can try to access my account? I’m kind of stuck not knowing what to do next or to just wait on support and hope for the best. Any help would be awesome and much appreciated!