Account hacked email changed no response

Hello !

yesterday i was playing with my friend when suddenly my account logged in from somewhere else.

I quickly tried to log back in again but soon enough i understood i was hacked.
my friend saw the hacker go through all my charachters (probably) moving gold and deleting my gear.

As fast as i could i tried to change my password but alas i lost full acces to my account (the email has been changed)

i have sent multiple tickets trying to get in contact with support but after 16 hours there is still no response, Live chat is diabled ?, Phone calls are disabled ?
no way to contact them direcly.

Please try and fix this ASAP my WoW account means a great deal to me since i play every single day.

thanks in advance

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Hey there Ohnata, I am sorry to hear about the situation with your account. You will need to wait for a response from our Customer Support team, as we do not have a way to expedite this process through the forums.