Abnormally slow download speeds

for the past few months ive had the following issue with the bnet launcher, downloads work fine until they’re about 99% done, at that point they start slowing down to 300kb/s and from there it keeps getting slower, my internet is fine and ive tried both clearing the bnet download cache and disabling download speed limits/putting them to a very high value, none of which worked

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have the same problem, someone from Blizzard to explain this?

Yeah, have this issue too, it’s currently downloading with 12KB/s Sometimes it gets even slower, like 80 B/s (It’s the Update for D4)

i am on 12% and it’s sht already xd

Yeah, having the problem for days.

Reinstalled the game
1GBit connection normally

Unfortunately since I’m a “new” account I can’t post the link to the forum post that helped me but after trying to update diablo 4 for the whole day this is the only steps that got it to work without hassle for me.

The Blizzard Battle.net Desktop Application requires access to Windows Management Instrumentation to work correctly. If this has become corrupted or disabled, you can follow the steps below to reset it:

  1. Press Windows+Q and type this into the search bar that pops up:
  • cmd
  1. Right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator
  2. Enter the following commands into the command prompt window one at a time. Press Enter after each command. Any time you get a confirmation prompt, confirm the prompt. One of the commands may also tell you the WMI service is already started. This is okay.
  • net stop winmgmt
  • winmgmt /resetrepository
  • net start winmgmt
  1. Now, exit the command prompt and restart your computer, then retest running the Battle.net application.
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