A required DLL could not be found

DLL manquante, idem je suis sous windows 7. Je jouais hier nikel et le bugg apparait dans la soiree. Le probleme viens surement de l installation de ce patch. Blibli ce n est pas de notre faute, mais au contraire de VOTRE faute. Bref en attendant qu un bleu nous apporte une solution svp

Now it seems that there is a problem with their own client. If they replace 13434, there will be no problem. They need to fix the problem, but Blizzard ignores it
There are links provided by friends on the upper floor,Download the file in the link and replace the 13434 folder, there will be no problem that the DLL is missing and cannot be started

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pues yo ya intente de todo no funciona sumpogo que a esperar que haya otra actualizacion que corriga el error oir que no hay solucion

Saturas Thank you so much this worked just fine was able to reload my games as well as Battle.net

You were more helpful than any of the genius at Battle net or Blizzard who I have yet to see one mention or reply of this issue.
Thank you again my friend. :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:


Thanks, but the real hero is Akute from the repost. :slightly_smiling_face: :beers:

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Thanks! It work for me also on win7 64bit. I used this cause the windows 7 patch linked by SATURAS didn’t work on my win7 64 bit, I don’t know why…

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idem pour moi windws 7, grosse mauvaise pub pour bilzzard. En espérant qu ils vons nous trouver uns solution car je veut rejouer à mon jeu favori

NB : j ai désinstallé

@Magikeur : Bonjour,

As-tu essayé d’installer les patches de Windows 7 : [Main Thread] Can't launch the Battle.net App - DLL error - #114 by Boubou-1741

Si ça ne fonctionne pas, je t’encourage à envoyer tes enregistrements de Battle.Net tel que demandé ici : [Main Thread] Can't launch the Battle.net App - DLL error - #102

Bonne chance !

Actually worked - thanks!

yop boubou, je n ai pas essayé d autres pachs pour windows 7 car je ne les possede pas. En revanche j ai desinstallé puis réinstallé battle.net et ça ne change rien =’(

hi, i´m using Windows 7 64 bits, and got the pop up “A required DLL could not be found. Please download and reinstall Battle.net” when try to instal the last battle.net desktop launch client. The SOLUTION for me was to update Windows 7 downloading from the microsoft site : microsoft. com /en-us/download/details.aspx?id=45633. Search in the microsoft web site for your corresponding windows and version to be downloaded and updated (restart the computer). then download and reinstall battle.net normally from battle.net site .This finally solve my issue. Hope this info help our Players community and thanks to the blizzard team for respond the ticket and a successful help.

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My Battle.NET app was working fine last night. After it updated itself today, I’m getting this error:

“Cannot launch the Blizzard App. A required DLL could not be found. Please download and reinstall the Blizzard app.”

I have tried uninstalling and re-installing the program, but to no avail. I tried looking for solutions online (eg: “Look for any Battle.net.##### folders here. The ##### is probably going to be 13360 in this case. Just delete those folders and then restart the Battle.net application. A reinstall should not be needed.”) and they didn’t work.

Any known solutions for this problem. Also, I’m on Windows 7 if anyone is curious.


mon application Battle.NET fonctionnait bien hier soir. Après sa mise à jour aujourd’hui, j’obtiens cette erreur : "Impossible de lancer l’application Blizzard. Une DLL requise est introuvable. Veuillez télécharger et réinstaller l’application Blizzard. J’ai essayé de désinstaller et de réinstaller le programme, mais en vain. J’ai essayé de rechercher des solutions en ligne (par exemple : "Recherchez tous les dossiers Battle.net.##### ici et ils n’ont pas fonctionné. Toutes les solutions connues à ce problème. Aussi, je suis sur Windows 7 si quelqu’un est curieux.

My dear friends for everyone to have a quick solution, also thanks to someone who mentioned the problem in one of the answers below, but here to summarize you just have to delete the battle.net.13434 folder and the people of blizzard, who are really more concerned about your money than solving these problems as you know

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I’m still having the same problem. Cannot find battle.net13434. Any news on this problem?

I’ve tried submitting a ticket, but it doesn’t allow me to for some reason (tells me this action isnt available right now. Try again later).

I have been having issues launching the Battle.Net launcher and Im not sure what else to do. It tells me that it cannot find DLL files, but I have now tried everything that is suggested for this on the support page for this with no success. I can’t get personalized help because I cant submit the ticket with my DxDiag and MSInfo files. Not sure what else to do, any help is appreciated.

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Having the exact same issue

Same with me. I tried everything.

I’m having the same issue, and have been for over a month. Luckily, I have an old copy on another PC that I never run, so it hadn’t screwed itself with the update. I have to do the copy old version from backup folder every time to run Battle.net, but it does update my WoW. Serious jerry-rigging, and seriously annoying. For what are we paying Blizzard again?

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