Hi there, I’m pretty much new to Overwatch, I only started playing around when OW2 got released but I have bought so much stuff since then and not only with the game credits you get for free but expecially with the OW coins, event rewards and so on. I made a mistake a couple days ago transfering my OW2 account to another PSN and after relogging it to my main PSN I get a heart attack seeing the 365 DAYS cooldown. Now, I get that you gotta have some sort of protection for these things but 365 DAYS is just a big fat exageration and its simply unfair, EXPECIALLY when it comes to mistakes. I have I think around 280 days till the end of the countdown and I’ve been stuck for over 2 AND A HALF MONTHS with a fresh created account that pretty much gets accused of smurfing for putting me with the new to the game players. This is genuinely unfair and its absurd that there is nothing that even the Chat support can do about such a dumb thing. I had money on the account, i had skins, emotes, I reached high levels not only the general account one but also in heroes and competitives, AND I had friends in my friend list wich i won’t be able to talk to untill my next birthday. I can thank this countdown for making me lose money and ghost my friends so PLEASE make it shorter🙏