Season of Discovery Class Tuning Incoming - December 12

You mean the class that was given incredible tools that will translate super well into the coming phases?

Xaryu did BFD today and did 70+ DPS while doing 70+ HPS on mage. Druid cant do that nor come close to that.

Could 2Hand Shamans get some love too? Please!!!

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did they make mage heal a bit more bearable yet

Which incredible mage tools are you talking about?

Balance druid are ahead of frost mage in dps right now. Mage, a class specifically designed to be ranged spell damage, doing worse than a meme off-spec from a class that already has two builds that beat mage in their respective roles (dps and healing).

If a hybrid tax exists in SoD, it would seem as though druid is completely unaffected by it, while mage is hit hard by it.


we can also nerf warriors because they been pumping with raid BiS over all others.

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The following additional hotfixes have been added to the OP, and will come into effect with maintenance.

  • Hunter
    • Hunter pet attack values have been updated to better scale with Hunter attack power.
      • Developers’ notes: Pets that cast spells such as scorpid poison or Lightning Breath were scaling too well and pets using physical abilities were scaling too little. We’ve now normalized the amount of attack power gained, to scale with the focus cost of individual pet abilities. This means that abilities with a higher focus cost, that are cast less often, will receive more benefit from attack power per attack than abilities with a lower focus cost that can generally be used more often. Overall this should level out the damage and reduce situations where some abilities were scaling too much or too little with hunter attack power.
    • Scorpid poison now distributes the additional damage it gains from attack power evenly over each stack of Scorpid Poison on the target.
      • Developers’ notes: Previously, Scorpid poison received most of its benefit from the Hunter’s attack power in the very first stack. Now the additional damage gained from the controlling hunter will not be gained until the full 5 stacks of poison are on the target. This increases the ramp time a bit and makes it less immediately deadly in PvP.
    • Pets now receive a smaller portion of a hunter’s armor and stamina.
      • Developers’ notes: Hunter pets were gaining far too much durability from hunter stats, to the point where some pets could get more than double the health and armor of a well-geared level 25 player. We still want dedicated hunters to have the ability to tank certain dungeon and raid encounters, but pets shouldn’t be so effective that they become the objectively correct choice.
    • Aspect of the Lion has been redesigned and will now function as an Aura.
      • Developers’ notes: This means that it is possible to have Aspect of the Lion up in addition to another aspect, such as Aspect of the Hawk. As an offset to the lower amount of damage that some hunter pets will deal, and to make talents such as Improved Aspect of the Hawk more attractive to Hunters using Aspect of the Lion, we’re shifting Aspect of the Lion into an aura rather than an aspect. This change will go into effect with scheduled weekly maintenance tomorrow, but the tooltip will not yet change. In a later hotfix, we’ll rename relocalize Aspect of the Lion to “Heart of the Lion” and update the tooltip.
  • Blackfathom Deeps
    • Elemental Resistances lowered in Blackfathom Deeps to levels more appropriate for a level 25 Raid.
      • Gelihast Shadow Resist lowered to 25 (was 75).
      • Lorgus Jett Nature Resist lowered to 25 (was 75).
      • Twilight Lord Kelris Shadow and Arcane Resist lowered to 25 (was 75).
        • Phantasmal Priestess all Resist lowered to 0 (was 75), so it’s no longer bad news if double casters are sent down to the dream in Phase 1.
      • Invading Nightmare Shadow and Fire Resist lowered to 25 (was 75).
      • Void Elementals Shadow Resist lowered lowered to 25 (was 75).
      • Corrosive Droplets Nature Resist lowered to 25 (was 75), and Frost Resist lowered to 0 (was 25).

Its def gonna make it useful, basically doubling the dmg and increasing amount of casts For almost no mana too.

It would be nice to see a bit more change, like Fury of Stormrage is still quite bad for raiding. Would be better to see the effect work for Healing touch or Wrath or possibly even starfire, but that would become mana intensive. Making next Wrath instant would be another small boost.

It seems like they tried to make Balance a better support class, but with Bosses like Kelris, people want big damage classes. So they seem a bit out of touch with the community.

I’m fine with this

2nd list of changes is on point. Makes up for the mess that is the first list.

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Its like andys cant read or something. Also the idea that every class is the same in retail is so dumb its not even worth commenting on.

Also this is not classic bro. If you want that unbalanced trash go back to era. This is new and its clear people do not want an unbalanced mess. Thankfully the devs already put out a 2nd round of changes since the first post today. That is a good thing. Still more to be done but its a start.


Agreed. Increase what the proc does. 100% signed. Make it flexible and adaptive to fall in line with druid thematics

little typo. Aspect of the Hawk instead of Aspect of the hunter. I like seeing this lion change though.

its world of warcraft classic. nothing in this game has requires you to exhibit any amount of skill.

dont delude yourself into thinking your god gamer x because you can kill someone in pvp


I appreciate the caster love, but can you do something about the Epic Crafted Boots now that casters are hit capped via Oil and World Buff? The 3set cloth gear from the raid rewarding 1% hit also feels very useless.

That’s pretty funny.

I just did a math check, I’m at 6% base +1 for boots, +3 for world buff.

That’s 10%, we need 11% to be at 1% miss for a level 27 (which is what the bosses are).
Where is the extra hit coming from?

Lmao you sound like such a baby it’s hilarious. What class are you? Why are you so upset about balance. Get good, any class can beat the other with enough skill. It’s only at the top echelons or the very bottom skill were balance really matters.

Awesome changes all round


Not everyone will go in with a WB though. Also if there’s a wipe they’ll lose the WB too.


Just… Why?