What happened to Zarya?

Is it just me, or does Zarya feel out of place in the game now?

Maybe there’s been a shift in the meta that I haven’t adjusted to?

I can be VERY slow to learn/change as the game evolves.

Is anyone having success with Zarya recently? If so, have you adjusted in any way? Are you focusing on anything specific?

Ngl she is not bad this season. Very annoying to play against still

Zarya is still a very good pick. I think we’re in a state now where pretty much every tank is insanely good and some even broken which means you see less of her. But Zarya is still as strong as ever especially after the recent buffs she got to her charge.

She’s part of the counterswap mambo. You need to recognize when to use her or get punished for picking the wrong tank.

people will ALWAYS shoot the bubble. especially soldier man

Huh… maybe just a run of bad luck?

Im having a hell of a time getting any charge on my bubbles.

Unless you give Rein a minigun or weapon, he will always be, the most outdated hero there ism