Is Overwatch one of your most played games?

My most played game is probably MLBB. I think I have about 10,000 matches. Idk how many hours that is.

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I played the game since the closed beta and according to playstation I have more than 3500k hours on the game and that was just when I was on playstation. Probably my most played game of all time.

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1385 hrs Overwatch, which honestly is not as much as I thought, but that’s actual game time only. Probably closer to 1700 total counting custom games, Arcade before it started getting tracked (had ~100 hours there), and idle/queue time.

I’ve probably played Pokemon more as a series, but not any individual game. I had ~400 hours on Diamond alone and played White 2 for about 300.

Next closest is Civ V, with 800 hours (a lot of it idled/tabbed out + modded so I have almost no achievements to show for it lol)

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I put a lot more into mmos like Wow and Destiny. Also played Fortnite quite a bit more, partly due to the campaign.

Surprised to see no other mention of wow. Nothing will ever top that for a lot of people out there

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I usually only play OW when I have the desire to, otherwise I let it collect dust. I prefer single-player games.

However, OW is a game I have consistently played over the years despite long periods of breaks in between. It’s one of those things I can hop into if I’m feeling shooty mcshooty. It’s the only pvp game I play.


Yea I have no other PVP game where if I have 20-30 mins to play, I feel like I can get my time’s worth of some shooty fun.

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It’s my 4th I think. It goes Minecraft (no way to track unfortunately), TF2 (2.9k), Gmod, (2.4k), Overwatch (~1.6k I think)

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Probably 4th or 5th in terms of play time behind MMO’s and TF1/2. But OW1 is firmly my favorite game ever. OW2 sadly not so much.


It definitely is, I think I have somewhere around 4500 hours in overwatch.

The only game that probably even comes close is minecraft - I had over 4000 hours on a single minecraft server (that’s how I know how many hours I had, the server kept track) when I played on it from like age 11 to 19. I used to just build massive cities and castles and worked on this one town for years - built a giant canal system, housing for like 200+ players, a castle, churches, a shopping mall, a bunch of farms and other stuff all in the same style, and I gathered all the materials because the server was survival mode. The server eventually went offline in 2019 so all I have now are the memories :face_holding_back_tears:

Every other game I’ve ever tried, I believe I have 120 hours or less in. So pretty much, I either stop playing quite early on, or the game is going to the 4000 hour club and there’s no in between. Other games I’ve played are stardew valley, don’t starve, apex legends, valorant, fortnite, and osu.


Yes. It overtook WoW as my longest played just recently. Other than WoW, my next longest played game is UO.




I think my most played game of all time is Overwatch which is why it sucks that it keeps getting worse.

Hope you also have a lovely day!


Yes, but my most play games are still gacha games, and MMOs I’ve played in the past when I was still in school.

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If you love DS3 but hate when enemies suddenly poise through your attacks when you were staggering them before, the first Dark Souls would be a good experience. And if you haven’t played it, DS2 is worth it as well. It’s very different from the other games, but it has its own charms. And ignore what the community claims about it, the “worst” Dark Souls game still spanks like 95% of other games out there. I liked it a little more than DS3, and I hope they remaster it but with DS3’s matchmaking instead of soul memory. It has the best pvp out of the series even with that limitation, so I can only imagine how good it’d be without a time limit on builds.

Overwatch is definitely up there. Super Smash Brothers as a franchise is probably close to my total Overwatch time. That is not a huge surprise because there are five of them and my Sistah Spice and I would play them until a new entry released. I doubt any singular entry holds a candle to Overwatch, however. Melee would be the closest because we got a Nintendo 64 later than other kids and we were not super into Brawl.

Genshin is the only game that surpassed my Overwatch playtime. That being said, it also records the time spent while you are just standing around. So who knows?

I used to be huge into Call of Duty, but I stopped buying those games when Overwatch released. Really sticking it to Activision, ayy?

Mortal Kombat is my honorable mention. I have been playing those religiously, but they never last particularly long and I skipped the latest entry with the cameo fighters. It makes me a bit sad to think about, but WB is even worse than Activision.


Overwatch is my most played game, second is Freedom Wars on vita

i played a ton of Spyro PS1 trilogy back then, i was obsessed with this adorable purple dragon and my “post-post-game” content was to spend dozen of hours on my mom’s samsung flip phone to record “spyro music videos”, where i choreographed gameplay with swedish pop music. there is a button to control spyros neck/head, and whenever they sang keywords related to “sky” in the lyrics i would look up at the skybox. one time in the middle of it i felt this great shame and guilt and i prayed that nobody in the world had witnessed me philosophizing about life as a cutesy flying lizard

sorry about that geeky story, have a nice day you too!

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Hasnt been for a long time now. I spent more time playing in the last year of OW1 than I did the first year of OW2, game is just straight up worse.

If we are talking about in the present, yes sure.

If we are talking in the past, probably not, the only game where I can see my real hours is TF2, have like +4000 hrs with all my steam accounts. (I moved on from TF2, sold my intentory (had unusual, all common strange weapons, etc).

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It’s probably my most played game outright. No way to know for sure though. I played a lot of ratchet and clank 3 as a kid. So maybe those hours win. :man_shrugging:t2:


Nope, I find this game way too tilting to play more than like 2-3 matches without taking a 2h or so break.

I have a little over 4000 hours on Crusader Kings III I’m pretty sure it’s my most played game