Any News on the Hanzo rework?

I don’t see why they have to wait for Brigitte to exit PTR to start work on Hanzo though, surely their team isn’t that small that they can only work on one small part of the game at any one time…we were told that art work etc had been scheduled back on Feb 21st, Brigitte has been on the PTR for a couple weeks now. She came onto the PTR and has only had numbers changed for her, not animation or sound changes. Unless the next uprising event is going to be completely new, I really don’t see why even a small group of a few people couldn’t be working on Hanzo.

“has been scheduled” doesnt mean work on. It was scheduled to be done after the Brigitte release.

Something a lot of people on here dont understand is these guys have a very very strict timeline of how things work. They are probably working on things now that are months out. Finishing touches on Summer Games stuff, etc. the OW team isnt very big, just about 100 people, so things take time. The different depts are working on different things at different times but they all follow a schedule.

After Brigitte they are working on Hanzo, after that the art dept will probably work on Halloween stuff, etc. There is a schedule to things. Hence the reason “it was scheduled”.

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I’m getting chills from seeing papa Jeff’s good news.

Is coming around April be patient brother.

can you let us have a daily loot box system

we got a weekly LB system, it works fine
if you would have daily one, then people who dont have time to play would feel that they are loosing something because they didnt play…

this builds negative feeling and forces you to play even if you dont have time, or you dont feel like… so you would throw a game just to get this LB… this would ruin games to other people… and so on, so on, everyday and again, and again

daily LB system?
no thanks

Good to know, thanks Jeff :smiley:

personally, i wish you would prioritise fixing existing heroes over releasing new ones lest the list of problems keep growing


Sym won’t see the light of day until Summer I am fairly confident in that.

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If this was something about cosmetics or loot boxes, this would have hit the live servers last month.

this isnt about damn sym and you noob sym supporters should bloody know the feeling of neglect by now

lets also think about how sym has spots where she is completely viable and hanzo sits on the lowest win % in the game

lets also not fail to think about how difficult it is going to be to get what the community thinks sym should be in relation to how hard that is to do when the heroes primary fire is brain dead easy and how much of a balance issue it could cause for every hero that isnt sym is they take her in a direction that makes her too strong

you’ll get your damn day in the sun but thinking you deserve something before hanzo is outright stupid


So Hanzo will really become archer McCree huh? If we are taking so much from his kit…Can we give him the hat and serape too(I want matching husbandos pls)?


Do you need a hug? :person_in_lotus_position:

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Oh good, im not alone in that sentiment. on both archer mccree and matching husbandos…

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Plus I bet Hanzo can rock that hat even better than McCree. Yeeehaww-desu.