Linux ubuntu World of warcraft do not log in after attack ( world of warcraft não loga após ataque ddos )

após ataque ddos o world of warcraft não logava de forma alguma se alguem tiver passando pelo problema a solução é a seguinte.
after attack ddos ​​the world of warcraft did not log in at all if someone has been through the problem the solution is as follows.

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl=128 worked for me on ubuntu 18.04

You will be able to load the game and bring up the server list but once you click to join a server, it just doesn’t work. If you find this happening to you, changing your networking TTL can help. First, run this command in your terminal to find what your current default is:

sysctl net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl

Make a note of the number it shows in case you need to change it back for whatever reason. As for the actual fix, set it to something different like this:

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl=128

128 is the default in Windows 10.

Como assim, teve outro ataque recentemente?

Wow tem porte nativo para linux?

não usamos via wine com dxvk roda igualmente ao windows.