Hi. I think I was on this server back when I was a kid. Kuruko, Tauren warrior.
Troll Hunter: Jaba
Guild disbanded shortly after BC if memory serves me. PB&J were officers in our vanilla guild, can’t recall any other guildies names.
UD Priest - Markend…I know our guild leader was a prot warrior and managed to get 10k HP when it was a big deal but that’s it. I don’t think we were really big but we raided some, MC and SSC during BC is what I remember. I was also there when we opened the Gates and we managed to drag one of those big dudes all the way to the armies at Cenarion Hold and kill it.
where my old pvp pals at
I used to raid with Nazgul in BC - I was Warfair, an Orc Warrior off tank. Went through T4 content into BT with Maca - I believe he was the MT? It’s been…a while, I just remember Maca and lots of Peruvian (I think?) players. Loved that guild, would 100% be down to play sometime if anyone remembers me
I remember this guild. I think my dad was in it at one point. I believe this is when he multiboxed 4 shamans. Craziness was his main. For
Blueice Tauren Resto Druid. Played towards the end of Vanilla in Requiem and was known for getting in undergeared but performing well. Learned Thaddius with guild and was part of several low percent wipes during learning. Finished Vanilla with 6/8 Stormrage, and rank 8 PvP. Played even more during TBC and WoTLK, fell off after that.
Wonder if anyone remembers playing with me? I recognize a few names here but I was mostly a newbie at the time.
Did you ever play with Craziness?
Sup Monday, you playing classic?
i’m ally on incendius D: