[Zul'jin] >Wonderful< Late Night Raiding LF DPS

Looking for mage, warlock, demon hunter and exceptional DPS!

Preference is tanking. VDH is current main. I mained prot paladin for df s3/s4. Pugged my aotc for amirdrassil/normal runs. And pretty much pugged all of my mythic dungeon runs.

Iā€™ve done a lot of end game raiding content clear back to EverQuest. TBC/wrath were probably my most played -xpacs. Raised a decent bit in WoD as well. Then pretty much took a break till I came back in df. I also have a lvl 80 mage/druid/paladin at the moment.

My raid availability is either 9am-1pm central or 12am-3/4am central. My work schedule is 3-11pm.

Message me here or on discord. Fadeaway9023#3603

Warlock friend, where are you?

looking for ranged dps friends!

added Blushi to bnet i am interested if you want to take a noobie warlock =D so far have 5/8 heroic but still a little rough around the edges with warlockā€™s rotation

looking for a tank and dps friends

Team 1 Looking for Mage!!

Also Team 2 Recruiting: Dying Builds Character
2 night AOTC focused group with light mythic raiding looking for DPS to fill our Core. Raid days - Wed/ Thurs @ 8:30 - 11:00 pm Central

If interested please contact on Bnet: Thranduiel#11265

Mythic team looking for Lock, Mage or DK DPS

Where are the mages - Pew pew

looking for some DPS friends!

Looking for Pumper DPS for Core Team :star_struck:

looking for dps friends

Looking for DPS who want to push further into Mythic Raiding !

looking for dps friends

Needing DPS for Broodtwister Progression - 30% currently - be at least 4/8 M with current logs!

Hi! Iā€™m interested. Am looking for an active guild that does some mythic, but isnā€™t stressed at all about pushing hard for CE (Iā€™ve raided in lots of top 50-100 guilds, and even a top 10, and want to just relax now, not have a 2nd job).

I am currently clearly a 70% parser that gets some purple parses on farm and will probably never ever get orange parses again. If they had orange parses for using defensives and canceling casts to avoid swirlies Iā€™d probably have those though!

Iā€™m casually playing

  • 630 shaman (mostly resto, because thatā€™s what gets invited, but like to shoot lightning - Fordfestiva-Thrall)
  • 626 bm hunter that Iā€™m happy to do tasks on, run webs, etc (Abefroman-Malā€™Ganis)
  • 626 priest (mostly shadow, will play holy os but not as into it, love disc, but disc was terrible until recently still feels risky to play in pugs)
  • 620 warlock (Fordescort-Illidan) that I just started playing a couple of weeks ago but have decided to start putting more effort into because it lucked out with all 3 rare raid drops (ring, cloak, neck) from vault. Iā€™ll probably get it up to around 625 this week.

Through pugging Iā€™ve killed 3/8M on a couple chars and did around a dozen pulls on Rash. No experience on Brood or Princess.

Iā€™m really hoping to find a somewhat regularly active guild that doesnā€™t just raid together, but also does keys and maybe even other stuff (achievement runs, pvp, etc).

Iā€™ll send you a request on Bnet (from Partyunicorn)

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looking for 1 ranged dps friend

need some friends

Needing more DPS

Looking for DPS friends in season 2