Need some DPS players and a healer!
Looking for some sweet buns too⌠i mean mage food. Or, just a mage that pumps will work as well.
Up to the top! Looking for more to beef up our mythic team!
LF dedicated late night players! Come check us out!
Needing a Mage
up to the top
Looking for friends!
Little bump
Looking for 1 healer and DPS
Needing 1 healer
looking for dps for core position
bump, look for healer and some DPS for 10.1
Id like join for 10.1 if possible. Returning player looking for late night guild, havent raided since H CN but i got aotc and a mythic boas downed. I would prefer to play bm hunter or frost mage. Id need to level a toon since but late night guilds are so hard to find id have no problem doing it
You are more than welcome to have a chat with us. Feel free to add us bnet hamster#11648
still looking for few dps and a healer!
still looking for dps players
Looking for dragon healer!
looking for a healer for core spot
looking for mage , lock, dk devoker friend
Bump to look for a tank