[Zul'jin] <Modern> HOF Focused LF Healer & Warrior

How many warriors to change a lightbulb?

None, there’s no path available.


What do you call two spiders that just got married?


Why are hunters terrible photographers?

They’re always out of focus.

Why aren’t there more famous skeletons?

They’re a bunch of no bodies!

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We need a tank maybe?

Recruiting exceptional players.

Up up and away! We need you.

Need strong ranged DPS with a willingness to push in SL!

We need you to help us destroy bosses. Rawr!

Ranged are pretty cool if you ask me.

Let’s get some gamers in here who wanna clear stuff quickly and feel accomplished. <3

Anyone have any Thanksgiving jokes?

  • How can you tell when a vampire has been in a bakery?

All the jelly has been sucked out of the jelly doughnuts.

Taking apps and trials. Let’s show people we mean business!

We need a warrior.

Pew pew - our farmers are ready. Just need you!

I don’t know what to put here.

Show some love. <3

Throw up an app my friends!

Chopped liver sounds gross.