As it did in original World of Warcraft, the Zul’Gurub 20-person raid will have a 3-day reset timer. The ZG reset will be different in each region, and the first reset will occur less than one day after the raid opens at 3:00 p.m. PDT on April 15.
In this region, the first reset for ZG will be at 9:00 a.m. PDT on Thursday, April 16. This will be 18 hours after launch.
Thereafter, the raid will reset every 72 hours as expected.
Does this mean we will have ZG resets at 9:00 AM PT but MC/Ony resets at 8:00 AM PT? Right now MC/Ony reset occurs at 8:00 AM PT (11:00 AM ET), which would cause the raids to reset at different times (even on the same day), which would not be how it was in Vanilla.
Pretty sure Edge of Madness doesn’t have a schedule (least that’s what I remember from original Vanilla). It is randomly determined when your raid ID is created.
So in order to find out which boss it is, you just have to clear to it and use the summoning item.
Transferring Servers isnt the solution for Que Times. It messes with many things including Horde and Alliance Ratios on the servers. I heard one just dropped to only 30% of the server pop that plays horde when the free transfers opened.