Zul’jin 9/9 CE all DF. T/W/T 8-11 LF Multiple classes

slg time! still looking for some core members

UP top for sludge dead!

need a healer and some ranged

need a healer for our core!

Looking for 1 or 2 more!

need a boomy for our core

up we go to the top

hello I am cygnis

Looking for a boomy!

need a boomy for our core!

still looking for that coveted boomy

Yup, still looking for the boomy

Bumping for that boomy

need that boomy still

need a main tank

Highly interested let’s discuss see if we’re a good fit.

Heyo, are you guys still looking for a tank?

filled the tank position. currently looking for a boomy

CE! need to fill a couple roles

looking for a couple people for 9.1