Honestly we could’ve used more sass from KT this expansion. I did love his line to the effect of;
“Prince Sunstrider. I never did properly thank you for letting me use the Sunwell”. I didn’t know a skull could pull off a ish eating grin but the man manages it.
Still I was annoyed he didn’t have any unique dialogue if you have the achievement for defeating him. I would’ve fan boy’ed a bit if he mocked us for being such lousy adventurers we failed to completely defeat him twice.
Or some extra rage dialogue if we killed Mr Bigglesworth in Naxx.
Our guild had a rule back in the day : kill the cat = no loot. Good times
But yeah, he doesn’t even have special dialogue now if you have the pet out, and it’s kinda disappointing.
As for Zovaal, I think the best thing about him is the funny nicknames people come up with.
Sadly, it’s also the only entertainment value he has to offer.
I just wish some of the characters would also take the piss out of mumblecore Arthas and his Icecrown+ bull ish.
Seriously nobody at least snorts at the Zooval name drop? Zooval. Christ imagine your legal name is Zooval. And lots of demons have names that don’t exactly carry over well from like ancient Sumerian to modern English. But nobody was going to snort at Pazuzu when his vessel’s head was spinning around and projectile vomiting.
This prick though? Like we just bodied Cthulu and Demonic Galactus. I don’t know who this guy thinks he is but nobody is impressed or intimidated.
Can we just kill this loser already and get back to Azshara and Denathrius? Maybe they weren’t timeless classics but an inexplicably sexy evil seafood platter was considerably more interesting by virtue of the concept alone.
Zoval is the one name out of every single Eternal One that makes no etymological or thematic sense and nobody has a decent etymology
I tried my hand for wowpedia but even then lmao
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My favorite Zovaal nickname came from a Captain Grim machinia - “Zo-bald”.
I also agree that we have a plethora of villains that can still serve as major threats and are more interesting than the Jailer.
- Denathrius (charm, concept and style that the Jailer lacks plus Nathrezim shennanigans)
- Azshara (entertaining and actually intelligent schemer - unlike a certain someone - and she’s got something big planned with N’Zoth out of the way)
- Tichondrius (we didn’t perma-kill him in Legion, plus there’s a wealth of lore to be explored with his connection to Denathrius and his kind-of-brother Ren’thal)
- Mannoroth (like Tichondrius he’s also not permanently dead)
- Chromantus (the first and only Chromantic dragon, made by Deathwing, took on the other four aspects solo and is practically unkillable).
- Murzond (we killed him in Cata, but there’s a character where time travel shenanigans’ make sense)
- Gallywix (minor villain but he needs to go down)
I wish they’d gone the babylon route in terms of design for one of the afterlives. Unfortunately, Bastion is aggressively utopic ancient-Greece, without the flavor of, well, actual ancient Greece.
THIS would have been interesting.
I think the main flaw of Zovaal is that, unlike most real-life gods of the underworld, he’s not given any true personality or character-building. Part of what makes ancient myth especially compelling is the fact that the gods are so mortal in their whims and personalities, yet they hold cosmic power. Ereshkigal did something that would be considered “big bad :[” outside of context (i.e. humiliating and then killing her little sister (?) in a pretty brutal way), but she was never a generic big spooky like Zovaal is. The myth barely provides the entire context of Ishtar, Ereshkigal, and the power exchange that occurs throughout the pantheon in different myths, but because she acts somewhat like a person, even a modern reader can detect that there’s an understandable, if not reasonable motivation behind what she does. And this text is thousands of years old.
You take Zovaal, who is neither developed enough to really “get” nor is he enigmatic, and you get a generic bad who you just want to defeat because… he’s the generic bad and that’s your job.
I also wish they had stuck to his older design. The new one is just… bleh.
I think the intent of the floating platforms and floating palm trees is “Hanging Gardens of Babylon”
But yeah zovaal sucks
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Man I’m sure glad we solved this mystery. It turned out it was because Elune wasn’t paying any attention to the immortal souls of her alleged favorite children.
Glad we cleared that up.
I feel zovall represents us as characters we get power… more power more power…untill… what? we win right? we have been slaying old gods and the legion for awile now… so I think he wins. we are gona finnaly cap out on borrowed power and finnaly will meet our match. is the form of someone with to much power… the only way to go is back. my mind comes to the infinite dragon flight always them and the old gods seemed to have a similar motive:azeroth must be born. while sure they may have been trying to corrupt azzeroth but they still wanted azzeroth to still be, just for there means. z0vall threatens to destroy all we know perhaps azeroth it’s self? and I can just see us downing zovall in 9.3 just to have a cut scene with him prevailing destroying azzeroth bending every living thing in the cos.os to his will and at the last second Nozdormu’s future self as Murozond shows up and sais “now you know the truth the titan must be born” a expansion starting on a young azeroth but with each .1 taking us farther forward in time changing key events to help bring us to azeroths titan birth. this would link well to the void. we’ve been told.its all bad! however if old gods came from the void and the old gods wants azeroth to hatch we could be reluctant allies with the void to make zovalls future impossible which in turn makes a odvious opening for war with the light.
God I hope this xpac ends in a lore reset, back to the end of Legion perhaps. Maybe a few chars like Sylvanas either die or emerge changed from the experience, but the world can continue in a way that makes more sense lore-wise. BfA and SL have felt like a fever dream. I have a lot of gripes with the world building of the Shadowlands, and want to go back to fighting on Azeroth…