Zone Instance Merging - It's getting too frequent

Greetings Travelers,

For some reason or another, the zone merging mechanic is getting too frequent causing players to miss out on things they were actively working on. For example, doing the community soup. Just recently I found myself and several others changed servers twice during the event after we just spent most of it on 1 server getting it to almost legendary then get merged to a new instance where the soup was already done missing out on Bisquis. A couple days ago out in the Forbidden Reach I had merged four times within 60 minutes, including during an elemental storm event. There have been MANY players in game reporting similar situations and frustrations across the board.

Please review the frequency of which server merges are occurring, and more specifically; definitely have the system policy reviewed to prevent a merge while an event that a player is participating in to not merge until the event is complete and loot is acquired. If you need a base model for something like this, please check out Sea of Thieves and how server merges are handled when a ship/crew is at an active world event.

If these things can get changed, I think it would lead to a better player experience.

Thank you,


this is a sharding issues that players are aware of but Blues/Devs seem to be silent on saying “Hey we’re aware of the issue!”

For now I have this thread open in the GD that links to my CC post and vice versa while I was an active CC member on the issue. Please feel free to add your experience to it.