Zombie invasion makes game unplayable!

Actually, it was way more fun until people complained and it got nerfed.

This is the watered down version lol

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Until it’s removed entirely it’s not nerfed enough imo.

That’s part of the issue - if they had let people opt out, they could have left it in it’s original format for people who DID like it.

Instead, those who loved it got a nerfed version, and those who hate it still have an issue with it. The core issue is forced pvp and lack of player control; nerfing won’t fix that.

so glad I decided to come back to the game after 2 years and make a new character, during the “no new characters allowed” 2 week event

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Stupid event. Just got attacked and lost my weekly chance at a world boss and bonus roll because of this.

Not gonna happen.

So, until then:

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Can you forsee more problems though? I can. Like how often can you switch back and forth? Why would you even participate if you needed to turn something on manually?

People would complain they “logged into” being a zombie if it was automatically turned on, and then you’d just have too few people to even do it. I can maybe get on board with making a longer immunity after porting somewhere, like the immune from honor target thing. Maybe just close off the portal room.

But where does it end? Not having NPCs infected is a pretty gigantic nerf, like massive. I think that was enough.

bUt ItS oNlY fOr A wEeK

There’s always going to be issues, but I think it’s fairly telling that they nerfed it into the ground and we’re still getting the exact same complaints.

In 2020, my main complaint isn’t that I hate the event; it’s that they’ve tried this three times and STILL keep bringing it back without making a real attempt.

There is SO much that phases people in this game; talking to an NPC or buying some item or getting a buff that placed you in a different phase would be simple.

Again, I don’t advocate for nerfs. Bring back the original format, but allow people to phase out of that format.

There is a reason they redid this event. It was awesome the first time, too. I’m tempted to hang out in shattrath for the real experience, lol.

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You pay them for access to their product, so they don’t owe you anything. Stop complaining.

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The entire game is forcing Blizz choices on you. It’s their game.

It is playable but it is so poor I wonder if I wasted my money on the expansion.

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its how it should be!!!

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Thank you captain obvious, have anything relevant to share?

Ok karen, bye bye

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Just because it’s obvious, doesn’t mean you can’t state it. Especially to those who think (not you) their opinion on the event is objective fact.

Already did my mega comment above that you can read. :point_up:

Truer words were never spoken about this game.

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im shaking right now post?

I’m playing it just fine. Being a zombie is part of “playing the game”

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