Zandalari Ward/Blackrock Mtn

Not sure if anyone else has noticed this but my group went to do LBRS after the change went live and none of us got the drained of blood effect when we died. We all had the Zandalari Ward buff on that keeps you safe from bloodmoon. Not sure if this is what caused us to not get the buff when we died, but we also couldn’t leave to remove the buff since we were dead in the middle of Blackrock Mtn. Closest NPC to remove the buff is in STV.

We’ve had a bug with Drained of Blood in BRM for the last day or two, however, we just applied a hotfix that should restore it as we expected it to work.

We’ll keep a close eye on this today.

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Heck yeah! Thanks for the reply! I feel so special

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The event is still miserable. Allow server transfers please.

Nope. Made your bed lay in it.

Spoiler alert, still isn’t working.

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ROFL. I always love this argument. I won’t be lying in anything. I’ll let my subscription run out and do something that isn’t wasting my time.

They already have your money, bye falecia!

P.S. unless you are using that time to make your own life better in a comprehensive way and not just changing to another game, its still a waste of time.

Can we please get a chained spirit in Blackrock Mountain during the event so that we don’t have to wait 2 minutes to respawn?

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This would be a huge QOL in the BRE event

I would pay any amount of money in the shop to transfer my old characters off of Crusader strike to Wild growth, Just want to get my gold off that horde dominated server D: Hope you have a great day Kaivax.

Typical 2024 thing to due. There is zero need to announce what you’re doing, nobody actually cares.

Actually they do not. It’s a “Monthly” subscription so if he cancels his sub then they lose his money.

Hello Kaivax,

Any word on Boomkin dps buffs. We’ve been bottom of the barrel for 4 phases now (all of SOD) 2200 cap dps well most other classes are doing 2700-3500 dps. Is the design intent to leave Boomkin a meme?

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Care to give us Warlocks and our Pets a Hotfix so they do not spawn with 1/3 or 1/2 life?
It’s been months now…

Act like we are Shamans with their wolves or Hunters with their pets and give us that treatment you would give them!

You avoiding pvp on a pvp server or quitting is the loss no one will feel on that server telling you to deal with it. Either way, you are leaving them, why would they care that you can’t make a decision.

I’m not criticizing your choice, just writing a retort so smugly that falls on the ears of people who could not care less if you get what you want or not because, your ending is leaving them either via server transfer or quitting.

Your pet has a 3 minute cooldown and must be put on defensive every summon.

Should have left pvp in stv or in a zone that has no instances. BRM is nothing but straight grieving. Crusader Strike server is impossible to do anything in the mountain to included getting your .05quest chain quest at all times of the day.