Yup...vote kick needs to be fixed

At least 3 people wanted you gone out of there. You make it sound like the tank managed to control at least two other people.

It is really odd you were posting in those other ‘got kicked’ threads advocating change and now you come with your own story of getting kicked.

you were before…

At far as I can see there was no vote kick abuse in your situation. You were not performing to the expectations of the group.

ugh…cant sleep. Indigestion :nauseated_face:

Yeah… Im starting to understand why you guys keep talking about the good old days.
The inhospitable, entitled attitudes in the game are sickening.

I was farming one day and was keeping to myself in a tiny little spot away from everyone. Some clown ran over and shot my 4 little quillen just to tag them, ran off without looting, so I couldnt skin, and runs way back over to that area where the are quite large in number. I refused to loot for short bit because it was a childish thing to do. Once i did loot he was right there making smart comments. Called me a couple names and took two of the four skins, then ran back over to loot and skin that huge pack that I wasnt bothering them over.

I ran over and tagged the entire field and refused to loot like he had done to me. I told him neither of us needed to act like idiots and I was just farming four of them over and over and he should have just left me to my own. If we’re going to act like children, well, I can do that too.

He didnt do it again.
Really stupid that Id have to do that just to get him to treat someone else with a little respect, but what else should I expect from some of these entitled people.

no…son…I wasnt way back when. I just didnt care.
Its only been changing over the last 10 months or so.

learn to read.
Ive said at least a few times now that THREE of them seemed to be working together.
TWO were overgeared and seemed to be trying to gear up a THIRD.
How many votes to kick again? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

  1. Stop assuming what was said or wasnt said.
  2. Youre actually DEFENDING a KICK over refusing to hand over MY loot???

that said, I DONT NEED to explain why I am KEEPING MY drops. That you even suggest I might need to really kinda exposes a little entitlement attitude. I owe NOONE a reason as to why Im keeping MY drops.
Do I need to explain to my neighbor why they CANT have my car?
NO, friend, I dont. And its asinine to claim I wouldnt. Why is this even a thing?

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All it takes is a look through your posting history to see you have been wanting the vote kick system to change. So it is rather misleading to make the claim you are now on the side of the changing vote kick when you already were.

I did read, you were bottom dps, i.e., the group was carrying YOU. And they probably would have continued to carry you (if your story is to be believed), if you would have given that tank the piece of gear you claim you didn’t want anyway. You chose to pick that hill to die on, don’t complain about it after the fact.


You said “i ignored him” its not unreasonable to assume it. Nobody asks you for a car, that is an absolute dog crap example. You seem incredibly selfish and rude and i’m not at all surprised you got kicked. It doesn’t take a functioning human a lot of effort to reciprocate social cues.

Is pretty easy to see who the offenders might be.
I go along with kick votes IF…someone is DC for more than a couple minutes…someone is OBVIOUSLY not at the wheel for whatever reason and, as you say, isnt moving for a long while…someone is clearly just trying their best to intentionally cause wipes, usually pulling everything in sight over and over.

Short of that Im not voting to kick anyone who is trying to play and just having trouble

uh…no…actually its not a bad example. You dont know some of the entitled people Ive run into.
You DO know what robbery, right ? Isnt THAT demanding someone stuff…even their car?
Secondly, AGAIN I DONT OWE ANYONE an explanation as to why Im kEEPING MY stuff…end of story.
That this is even in someones thought process is quite disturbing, honestly.

When OP is mad but tries to play it off by “trying” to have some form of weird intellectual/rational discussion but failing miserably


When the OP is really starting to wonder about the human condition and people who defend extortion.

It’s a terrible example because NOBODY IN THEIR RIGHT MINDS WOULD ASK YOU IF THEY COULD KEEP YOUR CAR. ahem. Sure, if you want to be a completely unapproachable person in life that’s your prerogative. What i’m saying is it doesnt take much for a functioning human to just say, sorry, i need this. What i am not saying is it is ok for people to demand. In either case you should just say no sorry i need it. Takes two seconds and might clear up any confusion.

Look as stated above, if you’re getting kicked often then the fault doesnt revolve around the system, it revolves around the player being kicked.

Sure you can get kicked for any dumb reason, but it has to be the majority of the group. Not just one schmuck who doesnt like you.

Unfortunately thats the way the system is, thats the way it works. If you dont like it, group up with friends/guildies and that way you’re guarenteed not to be kicked.

Problem solved amigo.

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Kicked players should get instant ques if half the bosses are still up. No vote option for groups that que. Make the changes blizzard.

I mostly just don’t believe your ‘story’. It seems awful convenient for you to have an ‘i got kicked’ story just a few days after all your posting in those threads saying vote kick abuse needs to stop.

I can, however, imagine the people who get kicked repeatedly for ‘reasons’ are more inclined to claim there is a vote kick abuse problem than people who never or rarely get kick.

He didn’t need the gear though - he just didn’t want to give it to that person.

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sorry…time frame please.
As I said…its probably been over the last ten months or so that Ive gotten to the point of thinking it needs changed. That came AS A RESULT OF seeing numerous bogus votes to kick…over crap like…oh…I dont know…maybe someone is demanding someone elses drops :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Youre realling going to defend the behavior to the end, arent you?:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I did read, you were bottom dps, i.e., the group was carrying YOU.

WOW. Said they read, then before they finish their sentence proves they DIDNT read it :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

What I actually have state is that TWO players were overgeared and doing much more damage than Ive seen in normals. The THIRD player was doing pretty much around what mine was and was apparently the one they were trying to gear up.

You might want to stop talking if you arent going to read what is posted…kwim?

you didn’t say anything about time frame in your OP, in fact you made it sound like you just changed your mind about this because of this incident - don’t be deceptive and people won’t call you on it and you won’t have to change your story to do damage control.


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yeah…and he said had they asked nicely instead of being pushy it was all theirs.
I dont do pushy, son.

oh no…someone on the internet who is defending extorting people with the vote kick doesnt believe me. what ever shall I do :sob:

heh…imagine that. Im in here weekly saying how often I see the vote kick abused and then at some point Im the target of that abuse out of 5 players. Whodda thought it possible. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

you aren’t posting on your max level character - you were playing on your max level character - what are people mind readers now and know who your max level character is ?

When I started playing and hadnt SEEN the abuse I didnt know enough to care :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Over what has been probably 10 months or so Ive been seeing the frivolous abuse of the kick and have been thinking it needs changed :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
2…plus…2… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

If you were messing around on the internet while in a dungeon and not paying attention to the du gen where 4 other people depend on your participation, I’d kick you too.


People like OP never do anything wrong in those dungeons to get kicked though - nope.

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uh…yeah. Thats relevant to the idea of the vote kick being used as an extortion tool. Entirely related. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: