Yup...vote kick needs to be fixed

Times like this is when I missed the old days.

No cross realm groups and you had to form groups manually so getting a bad reputation meant it was more difficult to find/form groups. A lot of these problems simply didn’t exist and GMs weren’t dragged into it.

Was a simpler time.


I totally agree with this, people actually were held accountable specially on lower pop realms.

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woops, my mistake, i thought you were the same person.

see how easy that was?

i promise it didn’t hurt in the slightest to admit that i was wrong…

i’m not sure why you’re unwilling to do the same.

sure it is.

the entire thread is “i i me me”

if you want to enter group content, and not do what’s in the best interest of the majority, you are the problem.

“I had a bad experience so everything needs to change.”

Yah like that cannot be bipassed, not only would Blizzard get flooded with reports but people would really get their feelings hurt

Oh well just a random opinion, or idea, but whatever.

I get it and nothing wrong with that but just so much ramifications from something like that would not be pleasant.

Someone makes a report

random player- I was kicked for having low DPS

Blizzard-well after looking at the charts it does seem like you were under preforming, so the kick was justified…

Random Player- I hate you Blizzard!

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I’m growing increasingly disdained with PuG 5-man content. I don’t have the patience to deal with poor behavior or game-play any longer. I’d much rather take alternative paths to gearing and create my own groups for M+ groups. At least I can look at Raider IO, item levels and composition to make better decisions as to how the group should be formed.

“Something happened to me this one time I didn’t like so therefore we must completely change everything for everybody now.”

oh no he has had it happen 6 times in the 19 months he has played…

Got any screen shots?

Anything other than your word of mouth?

Not going to agree, or disagree with the op. But reading some of the comments, you can tell who some of the ones are who like to push the kick button hahaha.

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I don’t loot in dungeons. Just wait until I get out then check the mailbox. Downside is you miss out on the AP :man_shrugging:

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addendum: “Blizzard said x class does low dps”

You don’t want that lol, it would have all kinds of random stuff in it. “you’re trash” “l2p noob” people linking thunderfury, etc

edit: It may work if Blizz added multiple choices instead of a text box.

  • Low performance

  • AFK

  • Lack of awareness

  • Not doing mechanics

But I dunno how well it would work in the end.


I opened a ticket about vote to kick one time out of anger after being kicked from an island expedition for no reason other than the two people who qued together thought it would be funny to kick anyone who joined. There have been countless times where people who join together kick me out of the dungeon just because (and no I’m not dying or doing low dps) It’s a huge waste of my time and a huge frustration and there’s no reason for them not to do it. There is no consequence. The GM told me that the vote to kick system is to be used at any player’s discretion and for any reason. I’ve thought about making multiple trial accounts and queing level 15 - 20 dungeons just to kick anyone who joins. Who cares. I can do it so who will stop me


I was running waycrest manor on normal difficulty, and in the middle of the run, I saw a vote to kick prompt, something about someone not using time warp and something about ignore something. I was just so confused, I don’t know what time warp is and I thought the run was doing well, I mean, it’s just a normal dungeon run, so I said no, but apparently I was overruled and someone was kicked and quickly replaced. And there I was, just an ignorant demon hunter who apparently have my eyes back but I just can’t see the situation clearly so I just kept quiet and just wish for the run to be over and hopefully get some upgraded gear.

It was an interesting second experience with the vote to kick. (My first one was a while ago over someone being afk and I saw that the person was not staying with the group and not moving so I figured it was ok to say yes on the kick.)

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So why didn’t you say “sorry but i need this item for XYZ reason”? Would take 2 seconds and probably went on your day as usual Doubt you got kicked for low DPS you were probably kicked for a combination of an ill tempered tank and just being rude.

You can skip normals. Do the warfronts and world quests until you’re 380 ilvl and then run raids.

Judging by your response to everyone that is disagreeing with you I’m going to take an educated guess and say you may be a bit toxic and completely understand how you managed to get kicked…