Yup...vote kick needs to be fixed

Im not saying that that IS the solution. What I am saying is that something needs to be tweaked more to reduce the frivolous kicks.
They added the 30 minute timer. No…its not a perfect solution.
I got kicked for refusing a child MY drops…then a timeout for doing nothing wrong.
So the timer isnt perfect by any means. Its part of the solution. Adding something else in to reduce abuses wouldnt hurt.

yeah? Really?
I guess since Ive been kicked less than 6 times in 19 months of playing then I should just ignore the FACT that not only did it HAPPEN to ME today…but I SEE it happening all the tme when Im running 5 mans.

Dont really care what you claim about your guildies.

actually, based on your comment here, it does:

perhaps they assumed you didn’t know english.
i have no idea what was going on in your dungeon.

…nor do i have any idea why you chose to ignore them if they kept opening trade.

would it have been so hard to ask “oh, do you need this”?
(at which point i would have DE’d it anyway, because MY LOOT, YO!)
…i guess the difference here, is that i’m willing to accept the consequences of my actions.

until you’re willing to admit that you behaved in a less than optimal manner within GROUP content, you’re going to continue to play the victim.

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LOL 6 times in 19 months? what!!! me 5 times since implemented and trust me I have had my moments.

Again i really think the issue is you, sorry to say.

I don’t think it will reduce anything honestly, but I guess blizz could look at the numbers and see if it would change anything. Good luck?

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Thats right…you dont…so stop pretending as if you do.

Well, to be fair most of those were crap like Ive said elsewhere.
The first time I got kicked I dropped in…had four players from a single server in there…Tichondrius.
before we moved they joked about my mogs and boom…Im back home picking plants.
They used me to get into a run. I get a 30 minute timer.
Hard to believe some folks are actually in here defending that sort of crap, quite honestly.

Been kicked ONCE for my ‘performance’ and that was a direct result of a tank causing wipe after wipe.
I figured what the heck…we’re not taking this one seriously so I pulled something and I guess it hurt his feelings. Kicked. I take the blame for that one though. I should have taken those 8 wipes like a man.

  1. SURE ya do (bigeyeroll)
  2. IF you actually believe that a player is OWED another players drops, friend, then YOU are the one who is a problem here, not me for being kicked for refusing to hand over MY drops.
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lol post histories are a funny thing :crazy_face:

nap time for me.

enjoy your drama.


lol post histories are a funny thing :crazy_face:

especially when you attribute a quote to someone who didnt make it.
You with fake news?

yeah…havent been kicked in a while…did you actually have a point?
Today was one of the rare times its happened.
2…plus…2…equals …4 ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Not even sure what youre posting in that first comment there …aint mine…
Try harder next time?
Better yet…pay attention to what youre quoting and actually read it first?

Ive run TWO IEs…TWO.
Didnt like either and certainly didnt kick anyone.

If you truly believe that people should be forced to run with you, you are the problem.

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If you believe the vote kick was designed to extort players out of their rightful drops then you are the problem

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Oh lord I have had more productive arguments with my children.


My kids are grown and raising kids of their own. Theyre teaching them to look at facts and use reason and common sense. A rare quality these day

I doubt that all I have seen is someone insulting everyone that disagreed with him and blames everyone else but himself and is mad because someone didn’t want to play with him.

i am done goodnight.


My 2 cents is that people who usually come to the forums to complain about the VTK system well you usually see pretty fast why they would have gotten kicked.


There have been insta ques for Healers and Tanks every since BC…I mean I use to be a Holy Priest. The timer has just made things worse for most people.

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heh. While Im seeing someone arguing for a system that allows players to extort other players out of their loot or be unjustly kicked and then have 30 minutes of their time wasted.
yeah…even my younger grandkids could figure out the problem with this one

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You both need a time out. Neither of you are going to change the others mind. At this point all you’re doing is filling up storage space on the forum servers. :smiley:


yeah…gee… I know what you mean.
I should have just bowed my head in shame and let that fine young man take my drops with a nod and a smile.
heck, I should have offered to pay his sub fee for a few months just to show him that extortion works

ugh. :roll_eyes:

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It was designed to allow the majority to vote out a player for any and all reasons.
We could always go back to putting all the power in the leaders hands.

Did you ever consider the guy who was trying to trade with you maybe didn’t know English, or was a poor typist, or afraid to be mocked for his grammar and seeing that you had better loot in both slots thought you might be kind enough to trade him? No? Just assumed he was an “entitled kid” right?
Also, the majority of the group agreed with whoever started the vote to remove you. It could have been for other reasons, like your low DPS you said you had. Or maybe you weren’t going fast enough. Or maybe they don’t like names with more than 1 U in them. Whatever the reason, it was a valid kick.
If you can come up with a better system that can’t be abused/broken immediately, please share.


I take the blame.
I mistakenly thought that we would reason this one out like logical adults or something.
had i realized that extortion was something that was approved of here Id not have posted. Id have made my youtube video about it and left it at that.

well, that idea went out the window when he spoke the kings english.
It also was an indicator that my assessment of the situation was accurate when he KICKED me for refusing to hand over my drops.

My DPS was fine for normal dungeons. Again…two of them were way over the normal numbers Ive seen. Ive run normal overgeared before I know what it looks like. Two of them were overgeared and a third wasnt and was getting just about the same DPS I was.
So mine wasnt low…two of theirs was high.

‘valid’ meaning ‘doesnt break the rules’
“just”…well trying to use the vote kick to extort MY drops isnt ‘valid’.

Can you all prove to me that BLIZZARD had extortion in mind when they created the vote kick?
I doubt it.

anyone…as someone said this is pointless and Im done here.

/threat muted

The way you responded to the response demonstrates why you might have been kicked from the group. Instead of just saying we will have to agree to disagree, you posted something rude. (Something you might want to give thought to).

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