Yup...vote kick needs to be fixed

the only reason there’s a bunch of threads about it, is because people decide to be personally offended by everything.

Entitled kid demands someone elses drop and then kicks that player for refusing…said player then gets a 30 minute timeout for doing nothing wrong.
No reason to feel ‘offended’ by that at all :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


everyone to play with them, even when they don’t want to

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People aren’t saying that he wasn’t a jerk. People are saying that if he AND the rest of the group decide to kick you then it’s fair. 3 guildies need the 4th person to vote yes. If you get in a run with 4 guildies then that just sucks.

…and demand their drops pretending they are owed someone elses stuff :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

or… entitled kid chooses to go against the wishes of the group, and gets kicked.

Well, no…I realize most here arent that childish. But defending the system and saying that it was a ‘just’ kick is absolute horse feces and we all know it even if we wont admit it.
We ALL know Blizzard did NOT design the vote kick to allow spoiled entitled kids to bully players into giving them their drops.
God…I HOPE we all know that much, at least.

They designed it for players to police themselves.

What wishes were those again?
Ohhh…thats right…demanding/coercing someone to give them their stuff.
You realize that behavior is a crime in the real world, right?

People make arguments like this all the time, especially when it comes to abuse. Ignoring a problem is not a solution, unfortunately. If people keep abusing something, changes will be made.

The internet is basically a big police state as it is and it’s beginning to bleed over into online games. Eventually we all have to suffer by having things taken away because of a handful of idiots. It’s only a matter of time for VtK.


The best fix that I’ve found for this is to go with at least one other person you know.

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you realize this is a game… right?
it’s not a crime to ask someone for gear.
it’s not a crime to kick someone.


they had no choice. They can BARELY moderate this forum and they do a very biased job of doing that little bit in here.
No way they have the manpower to deal with all the bogus vote kicks on a daily basis.
I dont blame them at all for not dealing with it and doing it exactly how they have. Im simply suggesting that we add another feature and limit the number of vote kicks per daily reset.
Two is more than enough for a day. How many people do you really need to kick on a given day?

make vote kicks more valuable because they are limited and they wont be used as frivolously. And if they are…well that person wont have more than two to abuse each day.


the issue is it doesn’t happen as often as people want you to believe and when it is happening more than once to one person they are usually the issue.

Are there idiots that will will knee jerk people for giggles, but it really doesn’t happen so much that it needs to be changed. The system works fine as it is. If they were to try and change it, all that will most likely happen is it will get harder to kick the trouble makers and easier for them to kick you.

I and many others like me have been here since the VTK was implemented I can count on one hand how many times i have been kicked and trust me 3 out of those times it was my own fault because i let my nerd rage take over.

The whole stems down to this, nobody should be forced to play with someone they don’t want too regardless of what reason. i am not condoning abuse as some people say I am but it takes a combined effort of more often than not 3-4 random people to vote you off the odds that you actually did nothing wrong are extremely low.

This is a case of my feelings are hurt because they didn’t want to play with me. Nothing more nothing less.

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You know how to read, right? No one said he simply ‘asked’ now did they?
He vote kicked me for refusing to hand it over.
Sound like he was ‘asking’ for my gear?
As I said…had he ASKED NICELY it was his to have. But he didnt. He acted like a pushy child so he got nothing.

wow… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

What if… you were the only person they kicked that entire day though? And another group kicked a single player for a dumb reason? And then another?

How does it help to limit number of kicks? Also, it would only be able to be applied to 5 man content or less because raid sometimes require a lot of kicking.

or make your own group

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That’s all it takes these days.


o…k…but believe it or not this isnt about you…or me.
how many threads in the last 6 months on this very topic in here?
Ive seen a lot of themmyself.
So what happens to me or you isnt the entire problem. Its a symptom of the problem. Vote Kick abuse that has happened a LOT to players Ive seen in dungeons myself. Dont THEY count too? Or is this all about what happens to you personally ?

I have over 300 people in my guild and except for one person who know brings it on himself no one complains about being kicked for no reason on a daily basis.

the forums are the loudest vocal minority