Yup...vote kick needs to be fixed

There used to be a kick protection in place not sure if it is still there, but it protected people from continuously being kicked. I haven’t kicked anyone enough times in an hour to test if it is still there.
But it worked like this if i kicked so many people in a certain amount of time i wouldn’t be able to kick someone for an hour I believe.

if it isn’t there now, then that is something that should be brought back.

Not really sure if that still exists or if the problem has corrected itself or what. But I do recall stories where people would have 2-4 hour “cannot be kicked” and was causing havoc.

I do know for a while there was also a mechanic where the more you kicked, the harder it was to initiate new kicks and had to complete dungeons to reset it back to normal.


I think someone mentioned something like that in anther thread.
That might work but it doesnt stop the offender himself from doing it over and over to players.

I honestly havent been kicked enough to make this a personal thing, but I have seen TONS of bogus kicks and attempts and it really spoils the fun of running dungeons, which is the real issue for me.
I run 5 mans for FUN. Not to deal with some entitled kid who wants to kick someone over mogs or drops.

Yah I do remember that too but i was trying to offer a olive branch.

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apparently you don’t, because you’re unwilling to accept the consequences for your behaviour.

nobody “offended”.
they simply used an ingame tool… as intended.

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omg, that would end the problem big time.
Votes to kick result in the dungeon resetting and you have to start from the very start.
I could get on board with that.


Ive had this happen more than once. Earlier in the expansion, maybe 3-4 weeks into BFA running heroics, at that time the cheapest way to farm enchanting mats when you were out of WQs was to run dungeons, and ide usually get kicked if i didnt trade an item i looted, i saw it as my loot, i was there to farm enchanting mats.

Eventually i learned to just not even bother looting bosses and my items would come in the mail.


Tank decides he wants my drop…

I ignored him again and kept moving to the next mob and suddenly Im kicked

yeah…I dont think so.
Unless YOU are claiming that Blizzard created the vote kick to kick players who wont give entitled kids their drops.

Low dps isn’t a very good reason to kick someone from a normal dungeon. Odds are you are in there because you need gear.

I have never voted yes for a low dps kick.


There is no vote-kicking in normal raids, just raid leader kicking.

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Came to say this.



It wasn’t a raid OP was in a normal dungeon

oooh a donut!

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Blizzard created the vtk so players could kick whoever they want, regardless of the reason.


Again…so unless it was created FOR entitled kids that our demand our drops then THAT AINT the reason it exists and thus it is an ABUSE of why it exists


It was his gear and nobody elses. How do you not get that?


No one said he didn’t have a right to keep his loot

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please, tell us why it exists.

you seem to know better than everyone else.


FAct is that at some point in time ABUSE of the system caused Blizzard to ADD the 30 minute timer.
There is nothing wrong with petitioning them to now add in another feature that would help curb bad behavior with the vote kick.
We all know that it happens. it happens or there wouldnt be a long list of threads in here about it.
So it finally happened to me. It was inevitable given how often I see it happen to other players. I aint exempt from hozenrump players anymore than anyone here is.
Two vote kicks per daily reset is MORE than enough for anyone.
If one is kicking more than that on a daily basis then Id say they really are the problem.

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According to blizz it IS a valid use of vote kick.


No…its Blizzard saying “we dont have the $$$ or manpower to moderate the kids so we’re just not putting any rules on it at all”

Rules = having to mediate/moderate/punish when they are broken.
No rules = letting the kids trash each other with yard darts and hoping for the best.