Yup...vote kick needs to be fixed

huh…missed the fact that he WAS there in a normal and DID want the drop, did we? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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See, you say you’re not bothered by it, yet you’ve sat here for the last hour throwing a temper tantrum over being kicked.


Looks at other OP post in thread…

time to change the irony detector batteries…again


In the past hour you’ve bragged about getting 2 different items in runs you’ve done since then. Do you really think the tank who WASN’T kicked didn’t get more loot after you left? And if his friends were doing FOUR times the damage you were, probably heroic or even mythic level gear instead.

Looks at other OP post in thread…

stalker alert :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Just flag and move on.

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huh…but he wanted mine bad enough to demand and kick me over not getting it.
Seems like youre not putting two and two together real good here.


Yeap he’s an obvious troll. Flagged all the posts in here that are obvious breaches of the TOS and moving on.

Ditto. Flagged your trolling as well


sounds totally mature.

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Adults doesn’t act like kids?

This is new, I better log back into WoW and start finding this.


yeah…as a reponse to some entitled dope thinking I owe him my drop :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

OP, democracy is the absolute, most atrocious abominable thing ever, the worst thing ever dreamed up.

Except for every other system.

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got me on that one :grinning:

IMO the timer should be eliminated after being kicked for any reason~

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That would defeat the purpose, before the 30 min debuff groups were held hostage by healers and tanks simply because they didn’t want to that dungeon. So after waitng 20 mins or more just to get in there people would have to wait for the tank/healer to go or kick and have to wait another 20 min or so for a replacement. meanwhile the healer and tank would get insta queues.


it’s more … your reaction to them which is over the top.

if you didn’t want to hand it over, you knew there was the possibility of consequences.

you chose the possibility of consequences, and now you’re being completely over the top about it.


I agree with that. The timer was put there for a good reason from what ive understood.
Same thing would apply to doing something to make players not want to waste their vote kicks. Two per daily reset should be more than enough.

Most of the changes to the vote kicking system was put in place for good reason.

Deserter debuff when kicked to combat what was just mentioned.

If a dps queues with a tank/healer and the tank/healer drops right away or is kicked right away, the dps gets removed along with them. - Was done to combat queue hopping/selling.
etc etc.


Not even a good try, friend.
My reaction wouldnt be necessary at all except for some entitled kid thinking he is OWED what belongs to other people.
You may not believe in consequences for bad behavior, but I do. Thus his ‘punishment’ of seeing me DE the gear rather than give it to him for his ill behavior.
Which is why the kids I raised are hard workers and spectacular parents and spouse.