Yup...vote kick needs to be fixed

Before you pull something like “We don’t know if what you’re saying is real” here’s Skada’s recount for the whole instance: imgur .com/a/DyaBO8J

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yup…ive seen a list of times where ‘tichondrius’ was used to try to kick someone. MOST of the trouble makers Ive crossed have come from that server for some reason i dont really understand. But I give everyone the benefit of the doubt.
Seen it myself lots of times. Server discrimination

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Ragnaros is a spanish speaking realm so we’re discriminated because of that.
Lowkey racism.


There are so many holes in this story it doesn’t even make sense.

  1. You admit you didn’t need or want the item, but you refused to trade it to the tank who apparently DID need it.
  1. So 2 of the players had dps 3-4 times as high as yours, and yet ANOTHER dps. So the tank was doing 3-4 times the dps you were? Or was that the healer? Either way gear isn’t really an excuse.

  2. You acknowledge you had the worst DPS, but you ALSO decided to be a jerk, “not trading gear you clearly didn’t need.” and are somehow surprised you got kicked?

  3. Remember, a tank cannot kick you. Three of the people in that group agreed to remove you. If it was a guild group that queue’d together, all 4 other people had to agree.


You know the other option you can do is just don’t loot anything. After the dungeon, it’ll get sent to your mailbox.


you don’t get to decide what a “valid” kick is.

they decided they didn’t want to play with you, that’s a valid reason from their point of view.
…the only reason you don’t think it’s valid, is because you were the one who was kicked.


Honestly this is the first time ive encountered this so i figure its not likely to happen often.
Id rather get the drops incase I can give it to someone if I dont need it.
But Id dont do pushy. Ask my kids about that. They tossed a fit about something my rule was it was permanently off the table. Which is why the dont toss fits.

Im sorry…all I heard was “blizzard created the vote kick to kick players who wont give me their drops” :sob:


Vote-kicking someone because they didn’t want to play with them isn’t a reason for a vote-kick, and is a waste of a vote-kick.


Just like you’re being in this thread? I don’t know this tank, i didn’t watch what happened, “if anything happened at all,” but watching you respond to people in this thread shows me you’re a petulant child and i have ZERO doubt any vote kick that may or may not have occured was justified.

Thread over.


well, that manor run went well. Apparently I did miss a drop and got it in the mail…355 waist to replace the 345 I was sportin

dont care what you know. You werent there. You can walk out anytime now…


As other’s have said, you don’t own these forums and you don’t own this thread. I’ll continue to respond as much as i want. Is that pushy enough for you? Maybe you’ll send me to bed without supper? Oh wait, i’m not your child, and neither was that tank. Try treating us like one and you’ll be removed from the forums just as quickly as you were removed from the group.

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I was mildy entertained, though.
Im still under half a dozen kicks for the entire time Ive played this game, so these jokers can try the “its you” crap, but less than 6 kicks from the time I started playing this game 19 months ago speaks for itself.

Oh…thats right…Im probably lying about that too :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I am curious though, if the tables had turned and you kicked him because of what he was doing and he ended up here yelling that the VTK system was being abused because you kicked him because he wanted your drop would he be justified?

of course it’s a reason to kick someone.

it’s pretty much the only reason to kick.


yeah…that was the same attitude that kept that tank from getting that drop he wanted :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I’ve been kicked a grand total of 3 times since Vanilla. Granted vote kick didn’t start until Wrath, but that just means it was one person who could kick me anytime they wanted before that.

It’s kind of the basis for the “vote to kick system”


Right. And what happens when you get someone who is a total dick in the group after kicking someone out?

I am not trying to defend or go with anyone here, but the fact is, vote-kicking someone out of a dungeon because you just don’t want to play with them isn’t a good enough for them to be kicked (unless they’re from Ragnaros, then that is a different story)

right…but demanding someones drop and kicking because they wont ante up? Thats a spoiled, entitled childish thing to do. Which is why im not bothered by it. I know it was some kid who doesnt have a life outside this game. adults dont act like that. Pathetic really.

And its the same attitude that got you shown the door with a boot to your backside. I’m sure he’ll survive not having garbage from a normal dungeon.

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