Yup...vote kick needs to be fixed

Makes me wonder if Kthulumuus is Rosalina or whatever that Worgen’s name was in the thread a month or two ago about this same topic about the VTK system and then went around flagging every post that didn’t agree with their viewpoint


and the 30 minute timer is a real joy when they kick you frivlously knowing you’ll get it :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I already suggested he que with friends and guildies but he wasn’t a fan. Probably because his attitude limits who wishes to play with him.


But they used their daily kicks up. I can’t be kicked! I’m invincible!
And you really think a 30 minute timer will do anything? I’ll just hop on an alt and re-que.


I have to agree with the bull, if they don’t want you in the group, and they as in the majority, it is in their right to vote kick regardless on if you agree based on the system at hand. That is the rules of the process until Blizzard changes it. It is not up for debate as it can be replicated any time and in any place, it is fact until otherwise changed.

Should it be? I agree it could be changed, but it would require too much intervention for a team that wants things more automated and the time of intervention from a physical entity to play arbiter have passed in the on-line genre.

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Yeah…I dont flag posts friend except when others start doing it.
Im a free speech sort and Id fight to my last breath defending YOUR right to offend me.

So you’re a free speech man who will fight to their last breath to defend the right to free speech, but will gladly flag posts and cancel/limit free speech once someone else does it first?


Well I’ve had my fun here yet again. Sadly I got roped back into this dumpster fire of a thread but alas I bid thee farewell.


Please tell me youre being sarcastic.
I dont believe in wasting other players time in the game.
I’ll apologize and pull if I cant keep up or for whatever reason something isnt right…such as a macro that bugged out on me a couple times. Actually it just deleted itself twice…go figure.

I can see why youre defending all this now, though.

well…ok…but these three were clearly together. Not sure about the healer though.
So they have three and have their kick votes when they came in. Probably was the point.

whew. :roll_eyes:
missed that part about I do it IF someone else starts acting like a child and doing it, didnt we.

Dont see anything about acting anything like a child…guess learn to better articulate your thoughts before posting them?

And damn I did it again. Got sucked right back into the fire again lol

Stop referring to everyone as “son”, entitled child, acting like a child, etc. If you talk like that in dungeons I’m not surprised you get kicked.


How many threads have you made on being removed from groups and complaining about vote to kick? I wonder how many more kicks it’s going to take you to realize that you’re probably the problem.


Again…I do it in response to someone else doing it IF and WHEN they do it.

Some of them if not most are very offensive. This is clearly where you have an issue with social interaction.

There is no freedom of speech on these forums. Please educate yourself a bit on this subject.

All for the sake of being kicked you make this post and stay up all night spamming it and attacking almost everyone that replies to your issue?

Let it go and get on with your life this is getting sad man. Why do you insist on changing the entire game to fit your needs because something so petty triggers you into a toxic ragefest?

If you are not the problem and your kick is just a isolated incident that rarely happens, then why do you push for the removal of votekick?

Face it man, you are the problem votekick addresses.


yeah…Im the problem.
Horrible me…not giving that sweet young man my drops and then being vote kicked for refusing to :sob:

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But if you’re an advocate of free speech, it shouldn’t matter if someone else does it right? You should be all for it regardless of if others do it.

You know, posting a problem statement is useless with out proposed solutions or plans of action.

How about instead of just posting on how the system is broken and needs to change, you also propose some solutions to the perceived problem? That way an actual discussion can occur and actual actionable feedback can be taken back to the developers for review.

And this is probably what is needed … an overhaul of the system. But, as you say, the current iteration is “working as intended.” I’m not sure HOW it could be overhauled to prevent abuses, since any “verify” step would have to include a review of the run to validate/invalidate the reasoning for the kick. And that just ain’t gonna happen.


just going for any ‘win’ you can, eh?
Never said that now did it?
The CONTEXT was someone talking about flagging posts to shut others up.
I said I dont do that. I only do it when someone else is doing it to be infantile.
NO ONE said the 1st amendment that ONLY limits CONGRESS applies here on a PRIVATE forum.
I am freedom of speech sort…I DONT flag to stifle others because they offend me.


Some of them if not most are very offensive. This is clearly where you have an issue with social interaction.

I have no doubt of that statement where some are concerned.
The same folks who then defend someone extorting a players drops from them using the vote kick as a coercion tool.

Lord :roll_eyes:
whats it been a dozen times now that Ive said I would limit our vote kicks each day as a start?

uh…yeah…its exactly the same when someone is pounding the flag button because they are playing offended and you do the same in response BECAUSE they are flagging, NOT because of what they are saying.
Yeah…exactly the same thing there. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

uh…hardly. Im simply posting and BEING attacked because I dared to suggest a change to the system to reduce frivolous abuses.

If you are not the problem and your kick is just a isolated incident that rarely happens, then why do you push for the removal of votekick?

Except AGAIN there is a long list of these threads all over this forum and the old database.
I just happened to be the victim this time of the misuse of the vote kick and thought it was funny and ironic enough to think some here would get a kick out of it instead of feigning offense.

Let it go and get on with your life this is getting sad man.

ok…and yet here we ALL are ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Pulled up from your post history… (Which there seems to be alot of negative comments involved.)

“But I got a really cutesy veiled threat about my accounts”

So… you state you have a wife and kids, and that you have multiple accounts. Do you play with them or do they refuse to play with you? I’m concerned that you have multiple accounts and play them (or troll with them) with a family. Are you sure you have your priority’s straight?

This is an issue…

…because even when this account gets banned from forums, you can just go ahead and troll others again on other accounts. This is clearly why you do not care about your attitude to others.


And how exactly would that stop abuses? Individuals that are truly abusing the system won’t care how many daily kicks they have… So what other solutions do you propose? And what proposals do you have to ensure that your proposed changes can’t/won’t also be abused? (aside form things that have been mentioned that already exist within the VTK system)