Yup...vote kick needs to be fixed

Total fiction is not a valid point.


Let’s assume everything you said in your OP was absolutely truthful. Here’s my follow up question.

So what?

We’ve reached post 243 and you’re still arguing over the specifics of what happened to you. It’s a bad experience, I get it, but are you arguing that your personal anecdotal experience should weigh heavier than the consequences of earlier iterations of the vote kick system? Or indeed, no vote kick system at all? There are reasons vote kick is in place, and there are reasons leaver’s penalty was instated. Because without it, you get one or two knuckleheads with so much power they can hold an entire group hostage.

What is your recommendation for an overhaul to the system? Because from where I stand, this really is the best iteration possible. It’s not perfect, no, but it’s never going to be perfect. Blizzard cannot police every single user-to-user social interaction in this game.


Im sorry. I’ll call out the feds and get the K9 unit right on it.

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Nope do not change nothing about votekick. It works fine.

Notice the ones that complain about it have really bad attitudes yet they wonder why they get kicked. Notice that right?

Without it the griefing would be much worse as seen at the time before they had it…which is why they have it now.


Would it really have been hard to say, “Sorry, I need this piece of loot.”

I’m sure they wouldn’t have thought you were a complete jerk if you said something like that instead of ignroring him.


Thanks chief. Swell guy you are. Too bad it wasn’t enough to keep you in the group :upside_down_face:

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I LOVE it when people use that ‘anecdotal’ nonsense and think its an argument when its the antithesis of an argument.
Now…if you present evidence against my idea of two votes per day…fine.

Secondly we see these threads in here all the time, friend. ALL the time. Im one of many.

You have literally ignored the entire point of my post.

I am giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming everything you said in your story was true. You are presenting it as a reason for why the vote kick system needs to be changed.

I have outlined reasons why it should not be changed. I reiterate my question; why does your one personal experience outweigh consequences of not having a vote kick system or having one that is far less punishing than the one we have on live? What recommendations would you implement to fix the issues you are seeing?

You have skipped over literally all of that just to express anger at my post and reassert your right to exist because “we see these threads all the time.”

That’s peak non-sequitur.


yeah. Allowing an entitled 12 year old to extort my drops woulda kept me in the run :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
You really think that anyone would have wanted to stay in a run where someone is literally demanding their drops?

Yeah…Im going to go with a hard ‘no’ on that one.
Id have pulled if he hadnt kicked me at some point. I do it all the time when Ive had enough of the childish antics.

yeah…because MY attitude is so bad.
How dare someone defy some poor kid who is just trying to extort their drops from them…and then the behavior is defended in here :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

So…whats the problem here then? You were going to leave either way…they just helped give you a nudge out of the door. And the best part was you got to keep your piece of gear so…win win?


And THAT is all I needed to see.
For a second time now youve pretty much claimed that MY experience is somehow the ONLY one.
AGAIN…these threads are all over this forum…so no…my experience is one of MANY.
Getting that part yet?

The second you ignore all those other accounts in here and pretend that this is a ‘me’ problem, thats when I just admit youre biased and unwilling to examine FACTS and just dont bother trying to have any meaningful exchange with you.

That it was.
heh heh…and then… I thought “you know what would make a great youtube video?”…and so I did.
heh heh…and then…I thought “you know who else would get a kick out of hearing about something like this”…thus this thread.

yeah…sorry. My attention span is just a tad more than that of a 10 month old infant, so I did think about it for a bit and made a video and a thread.
go me…

Ok. The fact is that the vote kick system is governed by a simple majority rule. 3 votes = you’re gone. I have asked you repeatedly now what you feel needs to be changed about this system, and you continue to dodge the question. Every response on this forum is by definition anecdotal, and it is no doubt the minority because thousands of dungeons are run every day and nobody makes a forum post when things go according to plan.

So again, what on earth would you change about this system? Up the requirement to four votes? Then the minority has too much power. All a tank has to do is get one buddy in his dungeon group with him and suddenly he has kick immunity. Remove the leaver’s penalty altogether for people who are kicked? Now a tank can demand to be removed from the group if his random dungeon queue drops him in an unwanted dungeon.

There are logical reasons why these restrictions are in place. You don’t seem to want to engage with any of them.

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…and this attitude goes on for posts and posts and posts.

This is exactly the reason why we have votekick.

As you claim complete innocence and abuse, people and the devs that read this can see what the problem is.

You will not get votekick changed, you yourself are actually proving yourself wrong, with almost every post that you reply to others. You are wasting your time and imo are trolling really hard.

  1. Yes we do. And we also have a system where THREE players can join a random group so they have their THREE votes to kick from the start.

  2. Dodged? OHHHH…you mean dodged like when I said numerous times that TWO votes per day would be what Id suggest.

Kthulumuus I’d suggest just stopping. This thread is going no where and you’re making yourself seem more of a fool with every post you make. But hey thank god for posting on alts right?


yeah…Im sure they’ll blow those lame, unoffensive statements up like they are notorious for doing while also ignoring the fact that some players are using the vote kick to coerce/extort gear out of other players.
Kinda like we’ve seen in this thread for a while now

Please, do this. It will help me troll dungeons and lfr if everyone is limited to 2 kicks. This way I might be able to hold the group hostage.


so then he admitted to being one who abuses the game and other players

Yup. I’ve admitted it multiple times in many threads. But your suggestion makes LFD much more troll-friendly.


At that point a group of three would be the majority in the dungeon group. If you fear such power, queue with 2 friends.

Giving people 2 chances to be kicked is basically just giving tank trolls a freebie. This doesn’t solve anything. Your random dungeon queue drops you off at the Motherlode? Oh well, you haven’t been kicked yet today so you can spare this freebie and force your group to kick you.