Yup...vote kick needs to be fixed

Premade groups of no more than 2 can join the random queue. Problem solved. 3+ arent really so random aye.

Tu equipo apesta y apestas a fanatismo. English that, brah.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but holy cow is that a dumb one :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Limiting people to how many people they can group with in the attempt to curb the VTK system is astronomically stupid beyond reason.


So building an over geared group and abusing the random group maker tool to harvest loot from it via griefing people with deserter etc is working as intended. Kk bruh sure thing.

Really odd that regular players dont know we can take three players into a random together. But youd think that was missed in here somehow.
Ive seen four players from Tich running a number of times over the months. Not usually a big deal unless theyre kids just trying to be rumpheads.

Since when has 20k dps been the benchmark for regulars? Seriously guys its random group maker so building a group with this intent is improper to begin with. Not OMG WE DO M+ LVL DPS BOW DOWN B4 THE ONES YOU SERVE…
I seriously want to know why these turds couldnt of just 4 manned it swiftly with those numbers. Or brought an informed 5th properly.

Personally i wouldnt have minded the carry. I used to do that in Legion all the time just to help get groups into 5 mans more often. Id run MW monk and really just DE my drops or hand them to other players. Playing just to have fun…imagine that.
If they kicked me over some valid reason then so be it.
But the defense of what is clearly NOT the intended reason why the vote kick exists is more disturbing in here than what these jokers did.

That is not a solution, at least not a good one at the very least. Just because a feature is being abused by some doesn’t mean you reduce access to it for everyone else who isn’t abusing it.

You know the old saying about when you assume correct? Honestly a better solution to your problem would have been to not be dead last in DPS thus making yourself vulnerable to being kicked in the first place.

yeah…kinda like when people who get kicked over refusing to be extorted out of their drops then get that 30 minute timer :rofl:

perhaps you could have taken that 30 minutes, done half a dozen world quests, and got a whole bunch of upgrades which nobody could “extort” from you. :roll_eyes:

you were not forced to do anything.
you were not threatened in any way.

no. it doesn’t mean what you think.


No no see the difference here is you’re ASSUMING the reason you were kicked was your false sense of belief in being extorted. Where as you’ve admitted a few other reasons as to how or why you were kicked.

So you have no concrete proof that your claims are even remotely accurate where as limiting friends and guildies to 2 to a group in this weird hope that it’ll help cure the VTK system is asinine


Not saying its THE solution. But objectively if something is limited then people dont want to waste it and are less inclined to use it frivolously.
I doubt people living in the desert who have hard times getting water are hosing down their wagons daily.
Limited uses = using them more wisely.

heh…yeah…my 6000 to the other DPS 6500. What a shameful sight :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Tu equipo apesta y apestas a fanatismo.

“Your team sucks and you stink of fanaticism.”

Really ? you think saying that in another language makes it acceptable ?

See unless they changed things this isn’t the case. You killed a boss, you should have got no deserter debuff.

no…actually Ive admitted nothing of the sort.
Me and THEIR DPS player were right in the same range of damage output.
The two OVERGEARED players were OBVIOUSLY doing far more damage.
Really not working out for ya here, is it?

Doubtful because honestly I bet most people don’t take part in a vote kick even once a day. It is is generally either started for legitmate reasons to remove a troublesome player or used by some jack-hole who is abusing it to troll something. I suspect neither situation actually happens more than twice in a single day.

Ok, let us test that. You have 10 posts on the forum per day, use them wisely.

If your at the bottom, you are at the bottom. People tend to be less inclined to kick the top DPS players in PUGs because they are frequently the ones carrying the raid to begin with.

And its their right to kick you for being the lowest DPS, which you admitted you were in the hopes of getting a better geared individual to make their runs faster.

But seeing as how I’d make better headway discussing this topic with rocks than with you think I’ll just take my leave since you seem pretty adamant that your version of what happened is completely 100% accurate and truthful with absolutely 0 proof to back up your claims.

Good luck in your crusade against the VTK system

It gave me some kind of timer. Wasnt the same as when I have pulled out of a run and get it, though. When I tried to get back in a short bit later it said I was just in a run and had to wait for X minutes, thinking maybe 15 at that point or so, till I could do it again.

The minutes werent actually the point there.
The point, which I figure you’ll ignore anyway, was the 30 minute timer IS SEEN BY MANY as an extreme solution to a problem.

If you make up stuff it is hard to believe anything you say. There is a dungeon cooldown timer but it should have been far less than 30 minutes.

The cooldown timer is a max of 15 and the time you were already in the dungeon is subtracted from that so very unlikely you had more than 10 minutes.

but hey yeah…just ignore the tank continually stopping and putting up the trade box in your face and then kicking you for THAT instead of at the beginning when you and HIS DPS buddy were neck and neck on DPS
really struggling for an argument here, arent we?

yeah…figured you’d blow past the point for obvious reasons.
Go read and learn some context please.
That post was on the POINT that my idea of two votes per day was somehow out of line…yet someone who gets a 30 minute timer after being kicked frivolously is somehow ‘ok’.


Making up things and then saying they aren’t important when people prove you are wrong, doesn’t help your case, in fact it does the opposite.

There was no 30 minutes - probably 10 in your case, if we can believe anything you say.

ignoring the POINT being made just makes one look desperate…