Yup...vote kick needs to be fixed

I have yet to hear a decent solution to replace vote kick. So many of you are against it and yet so many of you don’t have a viable solution to fix the issues it was added to address. Give us your solution, then recommend vote kick be modified.


There is no difference between what I said and what you said - you just don’t realize you admitted you were lower than the tank dps.

You already said you were lowest dps.

You just said the two overgeared players were doing 20k dps, so that means the only other person in there was the tank (since you said the healer wasn’t doing enough to bother with).

DPS 1 - 20k
DPS 2 - 20k
You - 6k
Tank - above 6.5k

well it is a good thing you weren’t able to send that mail because you would have likely have been reported for harassment

Sorry…you mean like this?


  1. the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.

using the FORCE of the vote kick to extort my drops.
yeah…it means exactly what I said.

The sheer irony of that statement is off my meter son.
I’ll quit a run if Im not helping the team
And I certainly do not condone extortion by means of the vote kick either.

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None of that is in the first post. Perhaps add it? This thread is very long and a lot of is talking in circles.

wow, just missing every nail, arent we?
The tank was in the 20,000 range, Just below the one DPS player, which was my first indicator that he was overgeared.

how many times should I give it…seeing that its in this thread at least three times already.

So you say they forced or threatened you to give up that armor to them or else.

Did they? Did they verbally say give me X or accept Y as your consequence? Or are you just taking it upon yourself to assume that the open trade was a nonverbal threat and the kick you received was punishment and therefor feel as you were extorted


honestly I didnt expect this chicken fried nightmare to turn out this way…or as I said, I have just made my youtube video about it and left it at that.
Ive seen tons of frivolous use of the vote kick before, but I hadnt had this happen or seen it happen.
It ought to be a bannable offense.

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The only suggestion you made in the first half of the thread that I bothered reading was “2 vote kicks per day”. Seriously, that isn’t a solution it is a joke. You fail to address the problem vote kick was added for and instead limit people ability to legitimately use it.

Look I have no doubt based upon your story you were kicked for not wanting to trade an item, your poor DPS showing just gave him justification for requesting the kick. That said, what is your solution that will solve the problem. Because limiting the ability to use it or saying “they should add rules” isn’t a solution.

Chicken Fried Nightmare.” That sir is the best phrase ever. Next time lay out reasons and fixes. Makes it easier to keep the thread about the problem and less about your experience. Which this one seems to be more about.

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Very curious that you’d ask what you asked.
Maybe we’ll eventually figure out why.

That still doesn’t change the fact you were lower than the tank and lower than the other dps. I don’t see what you think you are gaining here, if you mentioned previously that the tank was overgeared hence did not even need that piece of gear I missed it. But I don’t think you did - I think this is a new bit of ‘the story’ coming out now.

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So building an over geared group and abusing the random group maker tool to harvest loot from it via griefing people with deserter etc is working as intended. Kk bruh sure thing.
Since when has 20k dps been the benchmark for regulars? Seriously guys its random group maker so building a group with this intent is improper to begin with. Not OMG WE DO M+ LVL DPS BOW DOWN B4 THE ONES YOU SERVE…
I seriously want to know why these turds couldnt of just 4 manned it swiftly with those numbers. Or brought an informed 5th properly.

again…and WOW… I saw that same range of DPS ALL DAY LONG yesterday. Stop deflecting and defending abuse of the vote kick.
They were overgeared. they were the ones who needed to be running heroics instead of harassing normal players for their gear.
you done here?

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This might keep me up at night longer than how many licks it takes to get to the center of the tootsie pop!

Oh, I see your point was that in other groups, your dps would have been okay is your defense. That doesn’t mean a thing when you are getting carried by a group, you are still getting a fast run because those other 2 players are basically making up for 3 of you each.

English, do you understand it? You have identified what you feel is a problem, great. Now give us your solution to the problem. Abusing other players thru any means is a problem, stop hiding behind your cause and now address the question. What is your solution!

two votes per day. Said it a number of times now.

and if you need more than two votes a day then I dont think its everyone else who is the problem.

would not do a single thing - as I told you in previous threads, most people do not do more than two instances a day.

As I said, in the first post. You can edit the post right now!