Yup...vote kick needs to be fixed

Take solace in the fact that you were kicked for, if I had to guess from posts stated above it was:

1- Pulling low DPS
2- Not paying attention to the dungeon as you were fooling around, posting and complaining on the forums.

So yea, again nothing wrong with the system, everything wrong with the player.


Been kicked about 6 times or less and all of those but one was for crap like this. My mogs and refusing to hand over my drops.
ONCE I got kicked for my ‘performance’ as clearly outline previously. Not repeating it for anyones amusement. Go read.

I dont do bad in dungeons. I dont believe in wasting peoples time.
If I cant keep up for whatever reason, I apologize and leave so they can get a replacement who can.
such a horrible person, I know.
I mean, next I’ll be using the vote kick to extort players out of their drops :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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and they don’t owe it to you to keep you in the group.

i don’t think you know what that word means.


You are making the assumption you were kicked for not giving the guy the gear. I personally think you were kicked for being useless in there and they would have carried you if you had been nice and given them the gear which you claimed you didn’t want and if they had inspected you they could see you didn’t need.


Ya know i’ve only ever kicked low DPS if it was keeping the group from nailing a key component, like say, getting down PAKU before xyz #winds. I certainly wouldn’t kick a polite DPS. So i wonder how low his actually was.

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Thats right
they dont. They can use the vote kick to try to extort players out of what belongs to them.
In the real world that kind of behavior can be a felony.

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Well thank christ this is a video game and not the real world now isn’t it.


that one is just a deflection on that persons part.
I dont think Ive ever seen ‘low DPS’ as a kick reason.
Ive seen really low DPS on a few players, but never seen them kicked over it or even a kick come up that i can recall.

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Was what happened to you rude? Yes.
Was it in the groups right to decide they didnt want you in it? Also yes.
Is the system broken? Prolly. You have yet to give another system to replace it. Right now the system helps get rude players out when needed. With anything there will be some people who abuse it. That doesnt mean we get rid of it. Life would be a lot worse without a way to remove that afk mage or that jerk paladin shouting in group chat.



Is a little disturbing though.
Defending extortion and abuse of people who refuse to hand over what rightfully belongs to them.
I dont know what a psychologist would have to say about that.

didnt respond to that.
The two overgeared players were showing on my meter around 20,000

Mine was about 6000 and their third player was slightly above that at about 6500. Which is about what I saw in normals yesterday when no one has been overgeared
The healer was too low to even bother with, obviously.

why are you trying to apply “real world laws”, where they don’t exist?

you know what else is against the law?
murder and abuse of animals.
plenty of that goes on in the game
 perhaps you should protest.

there was no extortion, there was no attempted extortion.

someone got kicked, probably because they’re argumentative and not a team player.

Please stop using that word.
It doesn’t mean what you think it means, and it is not applicable here.
You got to keep your precious downgrade.


ilvl? what was it?

Im willing to bet the reason you were kicked wasn’t even the whole gear issue in which you keep fighting tooth and nail over was the reason.

Did you ask anyone in the group why you were kicked?

So wait there are 3 dps in the dungeon and one tank - the two other dps were 20k - you were 6k and the tank who needed gear was higher than your dps ?? Yes, they were carrying you.

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If you are getting kicked multiple times a day, there is something wrong with you, not the vtk system.

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youre right. I certainly dont want to get rid of the kick. I just saw a tank vote kicked in the Underrot for over pulling over and over and the group finally got tired of wiping.
Personally I wasnt going to kick him. I figured we were almost done
but at around 40 minutes it was getting a little old.
The vote kick came up and I pondered on it for a bit. I just didnt vote at all, but it passed anyway.
Some players do need kicked. Id never sayotherwise
I just think we need to tweak it to control the abuses a little more.

he said “ive been kicked half a dozen times in 19 months of playing” and thats interpreted by the brain as “he gets kicked 4 times a day” :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I remember a time when, to share loot, you had to click a dead mob and not collect the drops then have the other player actually loot the corpse. People clould ninja click etc.
Pushy derphats got dealt with by whispering the groups Enchanter and having them loot the item, disenchant that sucker, and then 4 outta the 5 people rolled for the de’d mats. Yeah.
Respect for the under dog, GROUP mentality
 why am I even trying to explain why sagging skinny jeans is obviously inconvenient

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I see what you did there.
For those of you here without a personal agenda
what I ACTUALLY said

Posts like this are better received if you give fixes. Sounds less like whining and more like a well thought out thread.

Actually I did try to contact that player, but apparently I cant send him mail to his realm from what pops up when I try.
I was going to tell him had he asked nicely instead of being a pushy toad, Id have given him the drop because I didnt need it.
I still wouldnt have given it to him at that point. I dont do pushy. Push and the answer is forever ‘no’.

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