Ythisens, you WILL be missed

It’s what people do on the internet. And I honestly don’t understand it. They hide behind a username and try their hardest to make people angry or upset.

Trolling can be fun, witty banter and what not, but the toxic stuff goes too far these days. But what can you do about it.


We have, and they have, known the layoffs were coming since Friday.

Bloombergs story was 100% correct.

All of the gloom and darkness you guys are permeating the forum with isn’t helping anything. It must be miserable to be filled with so much hate.

Take some deep breaths.

I agree lets be more positive.

Golden Yak was the best CM for WoW in a long time.


You. You’re a good dwarf.

Have some cupcakes…

You are seriously blaming this on the community? You are a disgrace to these forums.


If everyone buys a store mount now Blizzard should have enough money to hire back Ythisens… I’m actually really kinda serious about this. Either that or maybe a petition?

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so sad we will miss you ythisians


Sad to see a familiar feature of the forums removed… &@$#!7 Blizzard! , always removing features… its like 7.3.5 all over again, is it the anniversary celebration for 7.3.5?
The underlords at blizzard must be making sacrifices to keep the resident devil denizens in charge fat and happy…

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So Ythisens lost his job and Lore still has his… very sad day indeed


God that’s so mean lol. I mean I agree, but damn that’s brutal.

Have you ever woke up and thought “Hmm, what can I screw up today? The communication with our customers sounds good”

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Good job Blizzard. Fired the one damn employee who talked at all. You say you are working on communicating more then knock off the only person we see on these forums.

Blizzards continued silence commences in 3…2…1


I don’t post on these new forums as much as I used to on the old one, but from the time that I spent at the old place, Blizzard you are making an idiotic mistake.

Ythisens had a great reputation of being one of the most friendly CMs. He is just the kind of person that you need representing this company on social media.

Instead what are you going to do now, make Lore work double overtime and put him back incharge of the forums? We all know how he gets when he becomes cranky or annoyed with some of the more difficult posters.


Do you have an issue with a free market? Nobody is entitled to anything just for the sake of it.

yeah not good at all…

I don’t know you man but god bless, hope you find a better job with a better company.:frowning:

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He only had like 10 posts that had ANYTHING to do with wow. The rest were pointless posts. Reap what you sow, etc.


Where is the “I will buy store mounts IFF you bring back the Yak!” Post.

Seroiusly going to miss him though. Best of luck though!

I don’t agree that he should have lost his job, but with his history of very homophobic comments on social media, and the way he talks to people, I can see why he was chosen.

It’s not a good face for Blizzard, and it’s amplified by him being the only active CM, so he was their only face.

He should have been relocated within the company, out of public sight, but not fired.

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